West Java Investment Realization in 2023 Reaches IDR 210 Trillion!

Bisnis.com, BANDUNG -- West Java Province is again ranked first in investment realization in 2023 with a realized value of PMA and PMDN investment of IDR 210.6 trillion.


Head of the West Java Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP), Nining Yuliastiani, said this figure reached 112%, exceeding the given target of IDR 188 trillion.


"Investment realization in 2023 will increase by 20.64% compared to the previous year of IDR 174.58 trillion with total employment in the January-December 2023 period reaching 253,424 people," he said at the BEJA event, Gedung Sate, Bandung, Tuesday (30/1 /2024).


Nining said that West Java is still a destination for investors to invest in Indonesia, this is shown by the value of West Java investment realization which is always ranked first nationally.


"In 2023, the realization of foreign investment in West Java will reach IDR 122.6 trillion or around 16.5% of the realization of national PMA. Meanwhile, the realization of domestic investment will reach IDR 88 trillion (13% of the realization of national PMDN)," he explained.


According to him, the housing, industrial & office areas sector is the sector with the largest investment realization in the PMDN category with an investment value of IDR 20.27 trillion.


"The Transportation, Warehouse & Communication sector is the sector with the largest investment realization in the PMA category with an investment value of IDR 29.49 trillion," he said.


Nining admitted that this realization was encouraging because the composition of PMA and PMDN throughout 2023 was not too far apart. Nining also emphasized that the role of MSEs as investment contributors is increasingly significant. "UMK reported that their investment realization reached 48%," he said.



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