Want to Develop Investment Potential in West Java SPADE Consultancy Singapore make an Investment Review
Photo of SPADE Consultancy with DPMPTSP of West Java.
Monday 02-24-2020
DPMPTSP, Bandung. West Java have an infrastructure
readiness and easy licensing that made investors interested in investing in West Java. One of them is
SPADE Consultancy Singapore, who on Monday 24 February 2020 visited the DPMPTSP of West Java.
SPADE Consultancy is a financial advisory company and company headquartered in
Singapore. They operate on a global scale, focusing on emerging markets in Asia
and Africa.
The purpose of the visit is to find out about
investment projects in West Java
"The purpose of coming to West Java is to
explore opportunities to invest in the country," said Lynn Lin as Managing
Director of SPADE Consultancy.
Meeting between SPADE Consultancy and DPMPTSP of West Java.
Monday 02-24-2020
The meeting was held in the Anggrek Room of the DPMPTSP of West Java was also
attended by representatives of several Investment Projects were then discussed
at this meeting. Including Al-Ihsan Hospital, BIBJ and PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII, then
respectively explaining what could be offered to investors.
in the future with this meeting is the creation of an investment relationship
between SPADE Consultancy with the province of West Java
"We hope to have an investment partner
like province and government, I can see that West Java is very popular area,
especially for opportunities like the hospitals that we can develop," said
Managing Director of SPADE Consultancy
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