With consideration to give direction, runway, and legal certainty in the implementation of the accelerated program-based electric motor vehicle battery (battery electric vehicle) for road transport, government looking need settings that support the acceleration of electric motor vehicle program-based battery (battery electric vehicle) for road transport. Upon consideration, on August 8, 2019, President of Joko Widodo has signed a presidential Regulation No. 55 Year 2019 on Electric motor vehicle Program-based battery For road transport.
In this regulation is mentioned, the acceleration of the vehicle's Electrical-based programs -based batteries for road transport carried out through: a. the acceleration of industrial development in domestic Battery-based Electrical-based programs ; b. the granting of incentives; c. the provision of electric charging infrastructure and setting the price of electric power for Battery-based Electrical-based programs; d. technical provisions towards the fulfillment of the Electrical-based programs -based Batteries; and e. the protection of the environment. The acceleration of the development of industry-based Battery that program as intended, according to this Regulation, is done through the activity-based battery and the program industry component of the program-based battery.
"The industry of two-wheeled motor vehicles and four wheels or more and the industry component of the motor vehicle who already have a business license and industrial manufacturing facilities and Assembly can take Battery-based the program acceleration for transportation the road, "the sound of article 5 paragraph (2) of this Regulation.
KBL-based industrial companies of the battery and/or industrial components Based KBL Battery in conducting industrial activity KBL-based Battery and/or Battery-based industrial component KBL as intended, according to this Regulation, mandatory KBL- based manufacturing facility to build Batteries in the country that can be done on your own or through cooperation with other industrial companies production. In addition, this Regulation confirms, that the motor vehicle component industry company and/or industrial components company KBL-based domestic Battery, mandatory support and conduct cooperation with industry-based domestic Battery KBL.
Component level within the country
According to this Regulation, industry-based industrial batteries and KBL component KBL Based Batteries mandatory use of Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) with the following criteria:
1. For two-wheeled Battery-based KBL and/or three levels of use of domestic components as follows: 1) in 2019 ? 2023, TKDN a minimum of 40%; 2) year 2024 ? 2025, TKDN a minimum of 60% and 3) in 2026 and beyond, TKDN a minimum of 80%,
2. KBL wheeled Battery-based for four or more levels of use of domestic components as follows: 1) in 2019 ? 2021, TKDN a minimum of 35% ; 2) year 2022 ? 2023, TKDN a minimum of 40%; 3) year 2024 ? 2029, TKDN a minimum of 60% ; and 4) in 2030 and beyond, TKDN a minimum of 80%.
Regarding the production of KBL Based Batteries made by industrial enterprises-based Battery KBL, according to this Regulation, is a company which: a. is founded upon the law of Indonesia and operate in the territory of a unitary State of Republic Indonesia; and b. have a business license to assemble or manufacture KBL-based battery.
While the production of Battery-based KBL components carried out by industrial companies, Battery-based KBL components according to this Regulation, is a company which: a. is founded upon the law of Indonesia and operate in the territory of the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia; and b. have a business license to assemble or produce main components and/or components of the advocates for KBL-based Batteries in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
"In terms of the industrial component of the KBL-based Batteries are not yet capable of producing major components and/or supporting component-based industrial batteries, KBL KBL-based Battery can perform procurement components derived from import types: a. State of unraveling did not complete (Incompletely Knock Down/IKD); and/or b. a State unravel complete (Completely Knock Down/CKD)," the sound of article 11 paragraph (1) of this Regulation.
While in terms of the industrial component of the KBL-based Batteries are not yet capable of producing major components and/or supporting component-based Battery KBL, according to this Regulation, the industry component of the KBL-based Battery can do the procurement component that comes the import of this type of State of unraveling did not complete (Incompletely Knock Down/IKD). This regulation, in the framework of the acceleration of the implementation of program- based industrial batteries, KBL KBL-based battery that will build a manufacturing facility Based KBL domestic Battery can perform Battery-based procurement of KBL who comes import of intact (Completely built-up/CBU).
"Import as intended can only be done in a specified time period and a certain amount since the start of the construction of a manufacturing facility Based KBL battery," the sound of article 12 paragraph (2) of this Regulation.
According to this Regulation, industrial Battery-based National Branded KBL is: a. which uses components of the KBL-based Batteries in the country that meets the criteria of TKDN; b. investing in land that can be given to additional fiscal incentives established by the Minister of the organizing Affairs of the Government in the field of finances of the State and an additional non-fiscal incentives established by the Minister of the related having gets the input of acceleration program Coordination Team KBL Based Batteries; and c. that do research and/or technological innovation industry KBL-based Batteries in the country.
"Industrial Battery-based National Branded KBL referred to build manufacturing facilities and Assembly of Battery Based at the KBL Indonesia can be given additional facilities," the sound of Article 15 of this Regulation.
This regulation is also mentioned, the Central Government and local governments offer incentives in the form of fiscal incentives and incentive program to speed up non-fiscal KBL- based batteries for road transport. In addition, this Regulation, to the industry-based battery that KBL will build Battery- based KBL manufacturing facilities in the country can be given incentives in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
As for fiscal incentives as referred to can be either: a. incentive import duties upon importation KBL Battery Based in a State of complete unraveling (Completely Knock Down/CKD), KBL-based Batteries in a State of unraveling did not complete (Incompletely Knock Down/IKD), or the main components to the amount and period of time; b. tax incentives top selling luxury goods; c. incentives exemption or reduction of taxes and regional centres; d. incentives import duties upon importation of the goods, machinery, and materials in order to capital investment; e. suspension of import duties in order to export; f. incentive import duties borne by the Government over the importation of raw materials and/or materials used in order to assist the process of production; g. SPKLU equipment manufacturing incentives, export financing incentives, h.; i. activities of the fiscal incentives for research, development and technological innovation as well as the industrial component of the KBL Commissioner Based Batteries; j. tariff parking at locations specified by the local government; k. waivers of electric charging costs in SPKLU; b. support for financing infrastructure development SPKLU; d. certification of competencies for the human resources profession industry KBL Based Batteries; and n. certification product and/or technical standards for industrial enterprises and industrial Battery-based KBL component KBL-based battery.
"The granting of incentives exemption or reduction of tax areas as referred to in the form of motor vehicle Taxation (PKB) and Bea behind the Name of motor vehicles (BBNKB) is set further in the regulation of the Minister of Government Affairs which hosts in the country, "the sound of article 19 paragraph (3) of this Regulation.
As for the incentive non-fiscal as intended can be: a. exclusion of certain road use restrictions; b. delegation right production related technologies over the KBL-based battery that license its patent was held by the Central Government and/or local governments; and c. the construction safety and/or security operations industrial to the sustainability of the sector or the smooth logistics activities and/or the production of certain industries for companies is a vital national objects.
Defined in this Regulation, any Battery Based KBL imported, made, and/or assembled in the country which will be operated in the way mandatory registered type and meet the conditions of the NIK (KBL Electric-based identification number), with the first must get a token registration type for the imported vehicle registration and NIK for vehicles made and/or assembled domestically. While to do the Test Type KBL-based battery, must first get a token registration type for the imported vehicle registration and NIK for vehicles made and/or assembled domestically.
In addition, according to this Regulation, the every KBL-based Battery operated on the road should be supply technical requirements and be eligible to the street."The fulfillment of the technical requirements and be eligible to Battery-based KBL streets referred through testing, Battery-based KBL" sound Article 29 paragraph (2) of this Regulation.
This regulation confirms the KBL, the industry-based Battery and/or Battery-based industrial component KBL mandatory warranty and after-sales service in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. At the time this presidential Regulation applies, all types and type KBL-based Batteries are imported and have not registered and not yet done testing the type before the enactment of the Ordinance of the President of this, importers of KBL-based Batteries that do importation compulsory motor vehicle register and type testing type and make the registration and identification in accordance with the provisions of this regulation of the President the longest 12 (twelve) months from the entry into force of this regulation of the President.
"This Presidential Regulation comes into force on the date of promulgation," read Article 37 of Presidential Regulation Number 55 Year 2019, which was promulgated by Minister of Justice and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on August 12, 2019.
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