The Ministry of Investment has issued 7 million NIB via OSS throughout 2023
KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Ending 2023, the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has issued 7,146,105 Business Identification Numbers (NIB) through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system.
The composition of the published NIB consists of 6,887,479 micro businesses, followed by small businesses with 187,402 NIBs, then 23,350 NIBs for medium businesses, and 47,874 large businesses.
Special Staff and Spokesperson for the Ministry of Investment/BKPM Tina Talisa expressed her appreciation to all business actors who have processed business permits through the risk-based OSS system. This system is an implementation of the Job Creation Law to provide ease of doing business.
“Thank you to Indonesian business actors who are very cooperative. This completely online NIB management cannot run without the willingness and understanding of business actors. The MSEs (micro and small businesses) who dominate the issuance of NIB are truly extraordinary. "We also received a lot of input from business actors to improve the OSS system to make it more user friendly," said Tina in her official statement, Monday (1/1).
Tina added that the number of NIBs issued through the OSS system will experience a significant increase in 2023. It has been recorded that more than 2 million NIBs have been issued since the 2nd anniversary of the risk-based OSS system in August 2023.
For comparison, throughout 2022 the OSS system issued 2,461,775 NIBs. This means that in the last 5 months it could almost match the NIB issuance in 2022.
"We interpret this achievement as a form of awareness among business actors to become formal and a form of increasing trust in the government. "As long as there is an internet connection, business people can take care of NIB from wherever they are, no longer need to come to the DPMPTSP (One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service) office to meet lots of officers and lots of tables," said Tina.
Tina also does not deny that consultation services, both face-to-face and digital, are always needed. This is to help handle questions and/or technical obstacles encountered by business actors.
“Currently, OSS issues an average of 13 to 15 thousand NIBs every day. In fact, at certain times it can be more than 50,000 NIB in a day. Meanwhile, the contact center usually receives around 500 telephone calls, a thousand WhatsApp messages and a thousand emails per day. This means approximately 15% of the total NIB issued. "So actually, most business actors can process it independently until the NIB is issued," he explained.
As of December 29 2023, the five provinces with the most NIB issuance were West Java 1,276,268 NIB, East Java 1,101,689 NIB, Central Java 835,287 NIB, DKI Jakarta 596,518 NIB, and Banten 347,456 NIB.
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