The city of Bandung is offering 12 projects worth IDR 6 trillion in BIS 2023
Kota Bandung (ANTARA) - The City Government (Pemkot) of Bandung, West Java is offering 12 projects with an investment value of up to IDR 6 trillion at the 2023 Bandung Investment Summit (BIS), in order to pursue investment realization in this city.
“There are 12 investment projects that we are offering to potential investors. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can increase investment interest in the city of Bandung. "We are optimistic that the investment realization target of IDR 7.25 trillion can be achieved," said Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, in Bandung, Tuesday.
Bambang said the city government had issued two special regional regulations, namely Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2022 concerning Spatial Planning and Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Capital Investment to make it easier for investors to carry out activities and invest capital in the city of Bandung.
“The Bandung City Regional Spatial Planning Regulation is the most important platform for providing investment certainty. "Approximately around December 2023 or January 2024, detailed plans for regional spatial planning regulations can be immediately established," he also said.
He added that the impact of the growth of investment in the city of Bandung has had a huge impact on the Human Development Index (HDI). In 2022, the HDI in Bandung City will reach a value of 82.5. In 2023 the target is 83.05.
"There are three HDI indicators, namely health, economy and education. I am optimistic about the results of our investment value and inflation conditions this year," he said again.
Based on data from the One Stop Integrated Services and Investment Service (DPMPTSP), the number of foreign investments (PMA) from the first quarter to the third quarter of 2023, the number of projects reached 1,078 with an investment value of around IDR 3.3 trillion.
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