RK Highlights Tourism Potential and Improvement of Mass Tran

Caption: West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil performs the morning prayer in the Subling congregation at the Ricky Jami Mosque, Cimanggis, Depok, Sunday (4/8/19).

DEPOK CITY - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said, as the leader, his task was to ensure happiness for 50 million citizens spread across 27 regencies / cities in West Java, including the City of Depok.

"We have to ensure 50 million residents of West Java to be happy," said Ridwan Kamil (RK) in the Dawn Prayer Congregation at Jami Ricky Mosque, Cimanggis, Depok, Sunday (4/8/19).

The Vision of Jawa Barat Juara Lahir Batin must be also felt by the citizens of Depok City.

Therefore, RK encourages the development of both infrastructure and Human Resources (HR) in the City of Belimbing.

One of the physical or infrastructure development plans that will be carried out by the Provincial Government of West Java in Depok City includes the construction of Dewi Sartika Underpass, Citayam Station structuring, road structuring from Sp Tole Iskandar until Sp Pondok Rajeg, and Situ Rawakalong structuring.

RK said that the plan was intended as a solution to the main problem of the City of Depok, namely traffic jams. This year, the plan to improve Depok City is in the process of preparing the Detailed Engineering Design (DED).

In addition, RK also suggested the Depok City Government to fix the mass transportation facilities. RK said the reason of congestion is also caused by the density of the road volume by private vehicles both four and two wheels.

"Please make a long term plan to not use a private vehicle, a citizen in healthy citiy used public transportation," said RK.

Regarding tourism potential, RK assessed that Depok has a great tourism potential to be developed. One of them is by structuring or revitalizing lake in Depok.

By structuring a number of lake, he hopes that the number of tourist destinations will increase and Depok City's Original Local Revenue from the tourism sector will increase.

"Depok has many lakes, need to regenerate, for example Situ Rawakalong. Depok must not have any wasteful land, "said RK.

While for the Depok young generation, West Java Provincial Government will build a building of creativity complete with various facilities such as music studios, craft, painting, and others.

RK asserted, the young generation must be occupied with various activities that hone creativity so that they can be productive in producing work, as well as boast through printed achievements.

RK also explained the concept of Jabar Masagi namely physical quotient (PQ), intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ), and spiritual quotient (SQ), in order to realize superior generation of empowered young West Java.

"In the context of superior people in West Java, please remember to make West Java children have four values, physically tough (PQ), intelligent children (IQ), moral (EQ), and pious, mosque experts (SQ)," said RK.

RK added that he would fully serve West Java as an embodiment of the principle of 'khoirunnas anfa'uhum linnas' which means that the best human beings are the most useful for other humans.

"Until the last of office position, giving secure and comfort (for residents of West Java)," said RK ended.



Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of West Java Province



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