Reaching IDR 103 Trillion, Banten Enters the Top Five National Investments
Investment realization in Banten Province in 2023 reached IDR 103.85 trillion or realized 173 percent above the 2023 target. Due to this achievement, Banten Province is in the top five nationally. This achievement far exceeds the target of the 2023-2026 Regional Development Plan (RPD), which targets an investment achievement of IDR 60 trillion, and the Central Government has set an investment target for Banten of IDR 82.97 trillion.
Head of the Banten Province One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP), Virgojanti, said that the realization of this amount consisted of Domestic Investment (PMDN) amounting to IDR 37.97 trillion or 36.5 percent and Foreign Investment (PMA) amounting to IDR 65.88 trillion or 63.3 percent with a total of 42,384 projects.
"Indonesian workers absorbed from January to December 2023 are 123,515 people. "There was an increase of 43.93 percent compared to 2022 of 54,266 people," said Virgojanti, Wednesday (31/1/2024).
Virgojanti continued, the investment achievement was based on the largest regencies and cities, Cilegon City Rp. 38.63 trillion, Tangerang Regency Rp. 29.69 trillion, Tangerang City Rp. 14.99 trillion, Serang Regency Rp. 10.29 trillion, South Tangerang City Rp. 7.45 trillion, Lebak Regency IDR 1.66 trillion, Pandeglang Regency IDR 793 billion and Serang City IDR 350 billion.
"The largest realization of PMA investment came in Cilegon City, IDR 36.94 trillion, while for PMDN in Tangerang Regency it was IDR 16.69 trillion," he said.
Virgojanti said, there are five leading sectors with the largest investment realization achievements, both PMA and PMDN, namely the chemical and pharmaceutical industry amounting to IDR 31.92 trillion. Housing, industrial and office areas Rp. 18.49 trillion. Electricity, Gas and Water IDR 9.12 trillion. Transportation, Warehouse and Telecommunications IDR 7.23 trillion and other services IDR 6.57 trillion.
The largest sector for PMA is the chemical and pharmaceutical industry amounting to IDR 30.11 trillion with a total of 793 projects, while the largest sector for PMDN is housing, industrial areas and offices amounting to IDR 10.45 trillion with a total of 1,767 projects.
"Meanwhile, the five countries based on PMA investment sources are Malaysia at US$ 1,776 thousand, South Korea at US$ 709 thousand, Singapore at US$ 671 thousand, Japan at US$ 416 thousand and Hong Kong, China at US$ 273 thousand," he explained.
Virgojanti revealed that Banten Province's investment achievements, which are in the top five nationally, are based on a release from the Ministry of Investment on January 24 2024, in the following order:
"The efforts carried out by DPMPTSP in realizing investment achievements always pay attention to several aspects such as promotion and cooperation aspects, licensing service aspects, data and information aspects and control aspects," he concluded.
Promotion and collaboration aspects include conveying information about investment opportunities in Banten to business actors/the wider community through various promotional media (print media, electronic media and social media), carrying out business gatherings with business actors with more specific themes, facilitating prospective foreign investors who are interested in investing in Banten Province, prepare promotional materials for IPRO investment opportunities, facilitate cooperation between large businesses and micro, small and medium enterprises.
Then the licensing service aspect includes providing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for licensing both Online Single Submission (OSS) and Open Licensing Information System (SIPEKA), facilitating solutions to obstacles to licensing applications (Licensing Clinic), maintaining the quality of licensing services according to ISO-9001 year 2015 and ISO-27001 2013, facilitating complaints related to the licensing process.
"Furthermore, the data and information aspects include reviewing the potential for new investment in Banten, preparing a General Regional Investment Plan (RUPMD), processing data on licensing and investment realization for feedback on promotional activities, developing SIPEKA," he said.
The last is the control aspect which includes dividing the Province's investment realization targets into each Regency/City; shortlist a minimum of 200 PMDN companies that will be provided with coaching, monitoring and supervision. Proposing PMDN companies at the provincial level to collaborate with MSMEs.
Then make a list of company proposals that will be facilitated if there are problems, carry out monitoring/socialization to MSME business actors so that MSME business actors can submit Investment Activity Reports (LKPM), carry out a LKPM review through the OSS system and recapitulate the LKPM that has been reviewed as material. consideration, coordinating with relevant regional apparatus organizations in carrying out routine supervision, escorting and facilitating the resolution of problems of business actors who are hampered in submitting LKPM due to not yet migrating, adjusting investment value, verifying PKKPR or other factors.
"As well as intensive coordination with Regency/City DPMPTSP to obtain a Building Approval (PBG) permit which has been issued to identify potential realization of property/real estate projects," he concluded.
Virgojanti also did not forget to thank the Acting Governor Al Muktabar who always provides guidance regarding investment services through licensing instruments as well as the compact collaboration with the Banten Provincial Rekomtek Team which consists of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) related to licensing and the Regency/Regency Government. Cities throughout Banten Province which together support the creation of a conducive investment climate in the Banten region.
"This investment performance achievement is our collective performance. We hope that we can maintain it and continue to improve it. "This also indicates that Banten Province has good competitiveness as an investment destination for both PMA and PMDN," he concluded.
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