Reaching IDR 10.78 Trillion, Ciayumajakuning Investment Realization is Back in Control of This Sector, CIREBON - Bank Indonesia of Cirebon Representative noted that investment realization in Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka and Kuningan (Ciayumajakuning) reached IDR 10.78 in 2023.
Head of Bank Indonesia of Cirebon Representative, Hestu Wibowo, said that during 2023 the realization achieved would be 85.2%.
"The 2023 Ciayumajakuning investment target of IDR 10.78 trillion contributes 5.74% to the West Java investment target," said Hestu in Cirebon City, Tuesday (2/1/2024).
Investment in Ciayumajakuning is still dominated by the mining sector at 45.91%. Others are the food crop and plantation sectors; non-metallic mineral industry: as well as trade and repairs.
Based on Bank Indonesia records, there are four companies in Ciayumajakuning that control investment in the eastern region of West Java. The four companies are, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU VI Balongan Indramayu, PT Polytama Propindo, PT Taekwang Indonesia, and PT Sido Agung Agro Prima.
PT KPI RU VI Balongan invested IDR 17.18 trillion (2022-2027), PT Polytama Propindo IDR 5.03 trillion (2022-2025), PT Taekwang Indonesia IDR 42.8 billion (2022-2025), and PT Sido Agung Agro Prima IDR 83 billion (2022-2023).
The Cirebon Regency Capital Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) said that by the third quarter of 2023, investment realization in Cirebon Regency had reached IDR 2.16 trillion.
The regional government is targeting investment realization of IDR 2.9 trillion by December 31, 2023.
"We are optimistic that the investment realization of IDR 2.9 trillion can be achieved. Last year alone, the realization reached IDR 2.8 trillion. "This figure exceeds the target of IDR 2.67 trillion," said Head of DPMTSP Cirebon Regency, Dede Sudiono.
According to DPMPTSP records, the electricity, gas and water sectors have again become one of the largest contributors to investment realization in Cirebon Regency.
This sector has been a contributor to investment for the last 10 years. In that period, the electricity, gas and water sectors contributed IDR 917.9 billion
“This sector has proven to contribute greatly to the investment process. "In fact, it beats the leather goods and footwear industry," said Dede.
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