Karawang Regency Government is Confident of Realizing Investment of IDR 42.7 Trillion in 2024, Here's the DPMPTSP Explanation

KBEONLINE.ID - The Karawang Regency Government (Pemkab) has an investment realization target of IDR 42.7 trillion in 2024. This value has increased compared to the investment realization target in 2023 which was IDR 40.06 trillion.


The Karawang Regency Government, through the Karawang Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP), has prepared several potential investment plans that will enter in 2024.


Coordinator of the Investment Substance Group, DPMPTSP Karawang Regency, Didin Bihalaludin, said that this year the Karawang Regency Government will prioritize investors in the residential sector, green energy-based industries and technology development in the agricultural and plantation sectors.


He explained, in 2024, there will be a company operating in the field of making paper, pulp and packaging paper that uses the latest technology in waste processing and environmentally friendly energy use.


This company is one of the issuers of the Sinarmas Group, namely, PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (INKP) with investment plans reaching IDR 41.1 trillion.

"The total investment value of PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk is IDR 59 trillion. However, the work will be carried out in stages and will start in 2023. "Meanwhile, in 2024, it is planned to enter the stage of procuring domestic machines amounting to IDR 9.6 trillion and imported machines IDR 31.5 trillion," explained Didin, Monday, 1/4/2024.


He hopes that PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk's investment plan can be realized in 2024, so that the investment value of foreign direct investment (PMA) can increase.

"We hope that PMA investment can increase, but we will also continue to increase domestic investment (PMDN)," concluded Didin.


Apart from that, he said, his party also predicts that they will receive investment from the Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road project amounting to IDR 2 trillion.

"Until now, the construction has only reached Curug, the plan is that the construction of the Japek II Toll Road will continue and will pass through the Karawang Regency area, to be precise in Citaman Village, Tamansari Village, Pangkalan District. "We hope that investment can reach up to IDR 2 trillion," explained Didin.


Didin explained that Karawang Regency is a comfortable area for investors, because it has a Detailed Regency Spatial Planning Plan (RDTR), there are several locations spread across four sub-districts which are favorite investment locations for investors. So investors can choose a location according to their investment plans. The four locations are East Telukjambe, Ciampel, Klari and Purwasari Districts

"We have several industrial areas that are very adequate and access roads between areas that are easy to pass," said Didin.


He emphasized that his party is very optimistic that Karawang Regency can achieve the 2024 investment realization target set by the West Java Provincial Government.

"Even though the investment realization target given to us is higher than last year, we are confident that we can achieve this value of IDR 42.7 trillion well. "We also continue to monitor investment plans entering the OSS," said Didin.


It is known that in 2023, the Karawang Regency Government succeeded in achieving investment realization of up to IDR 45.8 trillion, consisting of foreign investment of IDR 40.2 trillion and IDR 5.6 trillion of domestic investment (PMDN).


This achievement exceeded the target that had been set, namely IDR 40.6 trillion. This brings Karawang Regency to the second highest investment position in West Java Province.



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