Investors will invest more than IDR 12 trillion in Bogor Regency during 2023 - No less than IDR 12 Trillion of investment has been entered into Bogor Regency over the past year. This achievement makes Bogor Regency ranked third in West Java for investment realization in 2023.
Head of the Bogor Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP), Irwan Purnawan, said that the investment realization of IDR 12 trillion had exceeded the target set for 2023, namely IDR 9 trillion.
"Investment realization could increase. Because the latest data only reaches the third quarter or September 2023. It will be recapitulated again at the end of the fourth quarter," said Irwan Purnawan.
Irwan explained that Domestic Investment (PMDN) still dominates in Bogor Regency with an investment value of more than IDR 8.8 trillion. Meanwhile, Foreign Investment (PMA) is around IDR 3.16 trillion.
Apart from that, the realization of investment which has exceeded the target was also accompanied by employment in Bogor Regency which reached 23,537 people.
Overall, investment realization for both PMA and PMDN in 27 cities/districts throughout West Java based on the Investment Activity Report (LKPM) for the period January - September 2023 is more than IDR 153.2 trillion with a workforce absorption of 192,414 people.
"Of this amount, Bogor Regency contributed 7.87 percent to investment realization in West Java," said Irwan.
Irwan also said that with the current conditions, it is possible that the amount of investment in the Regency will increase again. Moreover, currently the Bogor Regency Government is revising the Regional Spatial Planning Regulation.
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