Greater Bandung, Bandung City Government is Optimistic to Achieve Investment Target of IDR 7.2 Trillion

INILAHKORAN, Bandung -  The Bandung City Government continues to boost economic growth. One of them is by attracting investment interest in the city of Bandung.


In fact, to make it easier for investors to carry out activities and make investments, the Bandung City Government issued two special regional regulations, namely Regional Regulation Number 5/2022 concerning Spatial Planning and Regional Regulation Number 4/2022 concerning the Implementation of Capital Investment.


"The Bandung City Regional Spatial Planning Regulation is the most important platform for providing investment certainty. Around December 2023 or January 2024, a detailed plan for the spatial planning regional regulation can be immediately established. This is the main means for the Bandung City Government to provide permits," said the Acting Mayor of Bandung. Bambang Tirtoyuliono, Tuesday 5 December 2023.


According to him, certainty regarding regulations, incentives and disincentives provided by the Bandung City Government supports investment certainty.


"Apart from that, there are 12 investment projects that we are offering to potential investors. Through this program we hope to increase investment interest in the city of Bandung. The value is around IDR 6 trillion. We are optimistic that the target of IDR 7.25 trillion can be achieved," he said.


He added that the impact of growing investment in the city of Bandung has had a huge impact on the human development index (HDI). In 2022, the HDI in Bandung City will reach a value of 82.5. In 2023 the target is 83.05.


Then, economic growth in the city of Bandung in 2022 will reach 5.41 percent. In 2023 the target is to reach 5.70 percent.


"There are three HDI indicators, namely health, economy and education. I am optimistic about the results of our investment value and inflation conditions this year. In November, inflation in Bandung City was the lowest. This is the result of collaboration between all of us. This is one of the investment opportunity variables, " he said.


Apart from that, with the increase in HDI and economic growth, Bambang said, more and more workers in Bandung City could be absorbed. This is a source to support investment in Bandung City.


Meanwhile, Head of Bandung City DPMPTSP Ronny Ahmad Nurudin explained that BIS is an annual routine agenda to promote investment in Bandung City. BIS's main focus this year is to create a higher quality and more sustainable urban environment.


Realized investment value in 2022 reached IDR 7.79 trillion from the target of IDR 6.65 trillion or 117.14 percent achieved. Meanwhile, in the third quarter of 2023, the realization reached IDR 6.3 trillion from the target of IDR 7.25 trillion or 87.12 percent achieved.


Apart from that, DPMPTSP also gave appreciation to a number of foreign and domestic companies and stakeholders who contributed positively to the economy of investment projects in the city of Bandung.


His party also gave appreciation to the three sub-districts which have the highest number of business identification numbers (NIB) through the Sakedap service (a platform for facilitating licensing).


"In Sundanese it means a moment. So, within 10 minutes the NIB can be issued to MSME players," said Ronny Ahmad Nurudin.


He added that the number of NIBs issued through the Sakedap service during 2023 was 1,569. With a total of 33,961 NIBs published from January-November 2023. So, in total since the implementation of the risk-based OSS in 2021, 73,881 NIBs have been issued


"This achievement received appreciation from the West Java Provincial Government as the city with the most published NIBs," he said.


Apart from that, the city of Bandung also became a corruption-free area (WBK) in 2019. Then, it was upgraded to a clean bureaucracy serving area (WBBM).


"Only Bandung City has received this title. We also received an award as the organizer of the MPP in the Excellent category. Even though the Bandung City MPP is only one year old, it was inaugurated on August 23 2023," he said.


In the BIS 2023 event, there are six investment categories that received appreciation. This category was won by several companies and stakeholders, including:


1. Foreign investment categories with the greatest level of compliance:
- Kereta Cepat Indonesia China
- PT Shell Indonesia 
- PT Mitshubishi Tanabe Farma Indonesia 


2. Medium and large business investment categories with the greatest level of compliance:
- PT Indisi
- PT Mahkota Permata Perdana
- PT Medikaloka Arcamanik 


3. Small business domestic investment with the greatest level of compliance:
- PT Asia Vaporindo Berjaya
- PT Indosal Jaya Mandiri
- PT Tanjung Cemerlang Shipping



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