From 1978 to January 2024, Indonesia already has 2,816 km of operational toll roads

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Toll roads are one of the massive connectivity infrastructures built during the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s administration.


The presence of this paid toll road is considered to be able to improve the economy, facilitate community mobility, and provide connecting access between regions spread across 5 Indonesian islands, namely Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Bali.


Quoted from the official website of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) on Tuesday (16/01/2024), from 1978 to mid-January 2024, the total length of toll roads operating in Indonesia has reached 2,816 Km.


Spread across Java Island 1,782.47 Km, Sumatra Island 865.43 Km, Kalimantan Island 97.27 Km, Sulawesi Island 61.64 Km, and Bali Island 10.07 Km.


All toll roads that are in operation are managed by 59 Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) on 73 toll road sections in which there are 132 Rest and Service Places (TIP) or rest areas.


Previously, in 2023, toll roads that had been operating were 217.77 km long. Here's the list:


  1. The Sayung-Demak toll road is 16.01 km long
  2. The Jakasampurna-Marga Jaya toll road is 4.88 km long
  3. The Kukusan-Krukut toll road is 3.5 km long
  4. The Blang Bintang-Baitussalam toll road is 12.71 km long
  5. The Taruma Jaya-Cilincing toll road is 7,285 km long
  6. The Jatikarya-Cikeas toll road is 3.78 km long
  7. The East Probolinggo-Gending toll road is 9.08 km long
  8. Toll Sp. Indralaya-Prabumulih is 63.5 km long
  9. The Cimalaka-Dawuan toll road is 29,165 km long
  10. The Cigombong-Cibadak toll road is 11.05 km long
  11. The Stabat-Kuala Bingai toll road is 7.55 km long
  12. The Krukut-Cinere (Limo) toll road is 2,186 km long
  13. The Indrapura-Limapuluh toll road is 15.15 km long
  14. The Pamulang-Cinere toll road is 3,631 km long
  15. The Tebing Tinggi-Indrapura toll road is 22.85 km long
  16. The Indrapura-SS Indrapura toll road is 5.45 km long


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