Built for Rp. 800 billion, these twin tunnels in West Java are similar to the Teletubbies' house

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM - Built for IDR 800 billion, these twin tunnels in West Java look like the Teletubbies' house.

Netizens, especially children of the 90s, are definitely familiar with the Teletubbies characters.

Hearing the word Teletubbies, some people will immediately remember the unique shape of the outside of their house.

Two new tunnel infrastructures in West Java apparently have a shape that at first glance resembles the Teletubbies' house.


The Cisumdawu Tunnel is a magnificent piece of infrastructure in West Java that was built to overcome the severe traffic congestion around the area.

This tunnel itself is part of the infrastructure of the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan Toll Road (Cisumdawu Toll Road).


It is known that the construction of these twin tunnels cost quite a bit, namely IDR 800 billion.

This value is only about 10% of the costs required after choosing to split the hill.


This tunnel is in a section and has a length of 472 meters that penetrates Cilengsar Hill. Rancakalong Village, Sumedang, West Java.

Meanwhile, the cost to build the Cisumdawu Toll Road with a total length of 61,675 km requires an investment of IDR 14 trillion.


Not only that, the presence of the Cisumdawu Toll Road is also expected to trigger economic growth in the surrounding area.

By speeding up the flow of transportation of goods and people, this tunnel opens up new opportunities for business development and investment in West Java



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