Bekasi Regency Wins Highest Investment Realization in West Java Province in 2023

CIKARANG PUSAT - The Bekasi Regency Government through the One Stop Integrated Services and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) released data on investment realization for Bekasi Regency per quarter III from January - September 2023.


From this data, Bekasi Regency still received the title as the region with the highest investment realization in West Java Province, namely worth more than IDR 41.5 trillion. Or to be precise IDR 41,586,299,607,234. Meanwhile, in second place are Karawang Regency and Bogor Regency.


Head of the One Stop Integrated Services and Investment Service (PMPTSP) Suhup stated that Bekasi Regency is still the champion at the provincial level in terms of investment realization. Suhup is optimistic that the target given by the West Java Provincial Government in realizing investment in Bekasi Regency of IDR 50 trillion in 2023 can be realized.


"To get to the third quarter, we have reached IDR 41.5 trillion. This is extraordinary. In West Java we are still champions. Still far from other cities which are in positions 2 and 3," said Suhup in his office on Tuesday (31 /10/2023).


He said that his optimism was not without reason, but because he saw that the investment climate in Bekasi Regency was very good, which encouraged investors to invest in the Bekasi Regency area. Apart from that, efforts to record investment coming into Bekasi Regency are also continuously carried out by companies.


"In 2023, Bekasi Regency is targeting approximately IDR 50 trillion. Now the data released by BKPM has been released for the 3rd quarter. According to the target from this province, hopefully by the end of 2023 it can be achieved and we are optimistic, because to this day, investors are interested in come and invest still large capital," he said.


According to him, DPMPTSP always urges these investors to continuously report on investments made in Bekasi Regency so that investment realization data collection continues to be updated. He also explained that the highest investment realization for foreign capital was occupied by Japanese investors.


"So, Japan has the largest foreign capital. That's almost IDR 10.2 trillion. Second, Singapore is almost IDR 4.7 trillion. Then China is almost IDR 3.9 trillion, then South Korea is almost IDR 2.2 trillion," he said.


Responding to the high realization of investment in Bekasi Regency, Suhup hopes that this will be accompanied by more optimal absorption of local labor. However, residents of Bekasi Regency must be able to compete to have skill standards determined independently by existing companies.


"That's why we hope that the high realization of this investment will absorb local workers, but companies already have qualification standards to accept workers, this is something we must strive for together," he concluded.


From the data released regarding this realization achievement, it is calculated from Foreign Direct Investment (PMA) and Domestic Investment (PMDN) up to the third quarter from January - September 2023. In detail, PMA investment is IDR 27.1 trillion while PMDN is IDR 14.4 trillion.


Meanwhile, the highest business sector is occupied by housing, industrial areas and offices, valued at IDR 6.9 trillion, then the motor vehicle industry and other means of transportation sector at IDR 6.5 trillion. In third place is the Metal, Machinery and Electronics Industry sector with IDR 5.4 trillion. Of these three sectors, the first sector absorbs 9,144 workers, the second, 4,302 workers and the third sector 3,409 workers.


Then, if we calculate the labor absorption in West Java Province, Bekasi Regency has absorbed around 37,175 workers, while below it is Karawang Regency with 26,125 workers, and Bogor Regency with 23,547 workers. From PMA it absorbs 21,730 workers, and from PMDN it absorbs 15,445 workers.



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