Bandung City Government makes licensing process easier to increase investment

Kota Bandung (ANTARA) - The Bandung City Government continues to increase the realization of investment entering the city by providing a number of conveniences in granting business permits for investors, one of which is through the 'Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach' (OSS-RBA) or risk-based licensing.



"To make the licensing process easier, we have carried out various innovations, one of which is providing assistance to prospective investors in consulting on complaints or other things related to the licensing process," said Head of the One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) Ronny Ahmad Nurudin in Bandung. , Tuesday.



Ronny explained that risk-based licensing is a business licensing service provided to business actors to start and carry out business activities.



"The innovations that we have developed aim to make it easier and provide certainty regarding the speed of time and so on for issuing business permits," he said.



He added that his party has also presented two Public Service Malls (MPP) providing various types of services from 26 agencies, so that it can make it easier for the public to process various permits.



"We are presenting two MPP buildings with 26 agencies providing various services including OSS RBA, immigration, Samsat, BPOM and many more," he said.



Based on DPMPTSP data, the number of Foreign Direct Investment (PMA) from the first quarter to the third quarter of 2023, the number of projects reached 1,078 with an investment value of around IDR 3.3 trillion.



Then, Domestic Investment (PMDN) amounted to 8,030 projects with an investment value of around IDR 3 trillion.



The total investment value that has been achieved is around IDR 6.3 trillion from the overall target in 2023 of IDR 7.25 trillion.



Therefore, he hopes that through the innovation program carried out he can increase the realization of regional investment and the compliance of business actors, especially through Investment Activity Reports (LKPM) which are submitted periodically.



"We convey this to encourage entrepreneurs to continue to increase the amount of investment in the city of Bandung in the hope of encouraging economic growth," he said.



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