Acting Mayor of Bandung Determined to Bring MSMEs to Become Indonesia's Next Top Seller

PORTALJABAR, KOTA BANDUNG - Acting The Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, confirmed that he would continue to support Bandung City's micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to be able to compete. Not only local but also global.


One effort to be able to compete is through digitalization by MSME players. According to him, the role of digitalization is one of the most important strengthening aspects in increasing business scale and sales.


"I am committed to providing full support in creating an environment that supports sustainable economic growth," said Bambang at the All Things Digital Literacy (Cereal) event with the theme "Become an Indonesian Top Seller!" (30/1/2023).


The event was organized by the Bandung City Government, Ministry of Trade, Lazada Indonesia and


Bambang said that MSMEs must continue to adapt to every change that occurs. Especially with the increasingly rapid increase in globalization and digitalization.


"The goal is to become the Indonesian Next Top Seller and make a positive contribution to the local economy," he said.


He explained that the Bandung City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Service recorded that there were 10,181 MSMEs. This number consists of culinary as much as 40.9 percent, services (10.1 percent), handicrafts (6.7 percent), fashion (16 percent), and others (26.2 percent).


"From this total, it is able to absorb 26,226 workers, with a turnover of around IDR 1.3 trillion. We will support the success of every business actor, especially with confidence," he said.


Lazada Indonesia's Vice President of Government Relations, Budi Primawan, said that the economy in the city of Bandung is growing very rapidly. Even during the pandemic, business actors were able to use technology to open businesses.


"It's extraordinary that during the COVID-19 pandemic, people who wanted to open a business were able to use digital technology," he said.


He hopes that current business actors who are taking part in the activity will be able to implement it well, so that it can be implemented and generate potential increased profits.


"I hope to be able to produce great potential, and that it can be utilized so that entrepreneurs can strengthen their respective businesses," he said.


In the same place, the Director of Electronic Systems Trading and Services Trading, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Rifan Ardianto appreciated the Bandung City Government and Lazada Indonesia for the development of the electronic systems trading or e-Commerce ecosystem.


"We can recognize the importance of strengthening brands in MSME production in Indonesia," he said.



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