West Java Secretary Encourages Optimization of Teaching Factory to Increase the Absorption of Vocational Graduates

JABARTRUST.COM, BANDUNG, -The Regional Secretary of West Java Province, Herman Suryatman, emphasized the importance of finalizing the teaching factory concept for graduates of Vocational High Schools (SMK) to be in line with industry needs. This statement was made during a meeting on Optimizing Manpower Absorption in the West Java Secretary's Office, Gedung Sate Bandung, Wednesday (12/6/2024).


In the meeting which took place with the concept of coffee morning, Herman revealed data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which showed a decrease in unemployment in West Java. As of February 2024, the unemployment rate decreased by 217,000 people compared to February 2023, to 1.79 million people. However, SMK graduates still top the open unemployment rate with a percentage of 12.33 percent, followed by high school graduates at 8.98 percent.

"Seeing the authority of SMA / SMK which is at the provincial level, there needs to be special treatment so that the absorption of labor can be optimal," Herman said. He emphasized that the teaching factory concept must be more adapted to the industrial map in West Java. "The concept of teaching factory can be further finalized by matching the types of vocations in SMK with the industrial map in West Java," he added.


West Java currently has two developing Special Economic Zones (SEZs), namely Rebana SEZ in North West Java and Lido SEZ in South West Java. Herman emphasized the importance of collaboration between the Education Office with the Industry and Trade Office and the One-Stop Integrated Service Investment Office (DPMPTSP) to strengthen teaching factories in vocational schools.


"In this meeting, we are looking for the best ingredients for policies that we have to correct," Herman explained. With the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum, he is optimistic that the implementation of the teaching factory concept in SMK will be easier and more effective. "We need to provide support with breakthroughs or present policies that support the synergy between learning in vocational schools and industry," he added.


The Head of West Java DPMPTSP, Nining Yuliastiani, stated that with the presence of the two SEZs, West Java has become a labor-intensive and high-tech investment destination. "West Java is a destination for capital-intensive and hi-tech industries, and the composition has already been formed. It is in that position that we prepare the quality of our human resources," she said.


Nining also emphasized that investors are ready to accept high school/vocational school graduates from West Java as long as they meet the required qualifications. "They are ready to use West Java labor but it must be qualified, qualified, according to their needs," said Nining.


With this strategy, it is expected that SMK graduates in West Java can be absorbed more optimally in the industry, so as to reduce unemployment and improve the welfare of the people in this province.



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