West Java Licensing and Investment Services Must Have a Direct Impact on Community Welfare
JABARTRUST.COM, BANDUNG, - In recent years, West Java has become a prima donna for foreign investment (PMA) and domestic investment (PMDN) companies, with investment realization achievements that consistently exceed the target set by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).
"We hope that the absorption of investment in West Java can improve human development indicators such as the unemployment rate, social inequality (gini ratio), and poverty alleviation," Herman Suryatman said during a briefing after a morning briefing and meeting with the ranks of the One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) in Bandung City, Monday (10/6/2024).
Regional Secretary of West Java Province, Herman Suryatman emphasized the importance of improving the performance of DPMPTSP which has been considered good to be even more optimal. "One thing we will create is how investment can have an impact on improving people's welfare," he said.
Herman also acknowledged that West Java's licensing and investment services are among the best in Indonesia. However, he emphasized that these services must have a direct impact on the welfare of the community. "We can reduce unemployment, the Gini index, and poverty with licensing and investment tools," he added.
In addition, Herman also wants to encourage the ease of business licenses for West Java residents who have micro and super micro businesses. "Wait for the play date. We will help, of course together with districts and cities," he said.
The Head of West Java DPMPTSP, Nining Yuliastiani, expressed her readiness to answer the challenge. She is committed that the community welfare targeted by Herman can be realized through inclusive and sustainable investment.
"We will realize community welfare with inclusive and sustainable investment," said Nining.
With this encouragement, the West Java Provincial Government hopes to create a conducive investment climate while improving the quality of life of the community. Incoming investment is expected to not only increase economic growth, but also improve social welfare indicators in the province.
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