West Java Investment Exploration: West Java DPMPTSP Continues to Encourage Investment Equality

Bisnis.com, BANDUNG — Even though the areas that are the destination for investment realization in West Java are still controlled by the Bodebekarpur and Greater Bandung areas, in the last three years the distribution of investment has begun to be evenly distributed throughout West Java.


Head of the West Java Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP), Nining Yuliastiani, said that his party does not want investment to only focus on the Karawang and Bekasi areas which already have established industrial areas.


"Investment is not evenly distributed, we have paid attention to it, because we don't want only Karawang, Bekasi to progress and not the others," he said, Monday (9/9/2024).


One thing that lifts the veil on investment equality is Presidential Decree 87/2021 concerning the Rebana Region and Southern West Java. After the regulation appeared, investment realization, especially in the Rebana area, increased.


"It feels like the investment has doubled, now Subang has reached IDR 3 trillion in the middle of the year. "Indeed, there is a strong correlation between the central and regional governments to support equitable investment with the availability of necessary infrastructure in the region," he said.


Meanwhile, for the southern part of West Java, the regulation encourages regions in the region to start offering strong investment potential to investors.


"We offer it, then make it attractive, we inform investors," he said.


South West Java itself has enormous MSME potential. Nining pointed to Tasikmalaya which has great potential to be developed.


"How do they become aware of their business so that it develops with access to financing, we coordinate with several cross-sectors and vertical agencies, so that South West Java begins to be looked at for investment," he said.


One of the things that will be offered from South West Java is agricultural potential at the West Java Investment Summit (WJIS) 2024, 19 September.



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