West Java Becomes a Barometer for the Growth of National Industrial Areas

Warta Ekonomi, West Bandung - West Java is a barometer for regional and industrial growth. Therefore, national investment is influenced by the manufacturing industry in West Java.


For this reason, the Industrial Area Association (HKI) requested that the West Java Provincial Government through the West Java Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) diligently hold meetings with KI entrepreneurs.


HKI Executive Director Fahmi Sahab said that West Java appreciated the West Java DPMPTSP for holding the Industrial Area Investment Acceleration Forum which gathered entrepreneurs and regulators in one forum.


"Climates for improving investment must be seen in the future, so it is very necessary for a forum like this to be held regularly with the central government, regional governments and the business world," said Fahmi to journalists after participating in the Forum for the Acceleration of Investment in Industrial Areas at the Mason Pine Hotel. , West Bandung Regency, Wednesday (15/5/2024).


In this forum, a number of industrial entrepreneurs expressed many complaints regarding investment issues in the field. Starting from water supply to complicated licensing between ministries. In this forum, this issue was directly answered by the Ministry of Industry, BKPM and DPMPSTP districts/cities in West Java.


Fahmi believes that regulators and the business world can discuss developments and problems in the field related to investment, such as security, licensing and infrastructure.


"Because this industrial area cannot be seen as pure business. This is a form of concern for national economic development which has a multiplier effect on foreign exchange, labor and the environment," he explained.


He also believes that the task of industrial areas is actually the task of the government, but since 1989 this opportunity has been given to the private sector which has ultimately encouraged the growth of the manufacturing industry and made regional entrepreneurs partners with the government.


"So that problems in industrial areas cannot be left entirely to industrial areas, they must be resolved by the central or regional government, both in terms of software and hardware, both in terms of licensing and infrastructure," he explained.


Assistance from the government, continued Fahmi, will have a huge impact on national economic growth.

"Industrial areas are an instrument, a tool for accelerating industry which ultimately leads to national economic growth," he said.


Regarding the use of surface water by the industrial sector, Head of the One Stop Integrated Service Investment Service (DPMPTSP) of West Java Province (Jabar) Nining Yuliastiani said that the two River Watersheds (DAS) in West Java fall under the authority of the Ministry of PUPR.


"Now we (West Java Provincial Government) only give authority to two watersheds in the southern part of West Java," he said.

Nining assesses that this condition does not have a significant impact on the business world. Because, in this area there are many small industrial sectors and there is still high potential for using groundwater.


Meanwhile, for Northern West Java, this is still a problem. West Java BMPS has several times carried out several facilitation and coordination steps at the central, district/city levels, including horizontally, namely the agencies that regulate the policy by involving the ESDM Service.

"We have also submitted a request to PUPR regarding this matter," he said.


Since the publication of PUPR Ministerial Decree No. 2 /2024 last January. The letter states that there is certainty regarding the water use permit. Where previously you had to go through BBWS.

"But now business actors are directly submitting it to the Ministry of PUPR, Director General of Natural Resources," he concluded.


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