WORLD FOOD DAY West Java DKPP Will Disseminate Local Food and Campaign to Stop Waste of Food

PORTALJABAR, KOTA BANDUNG - The West Java Provincial Government through the West Java Food and Livestock Security Service (DKPP) will hold a commemoration of World Food Day 2024.


At the West Java Province level, the commemoration of World Food Day 2024 will be held, on November 16, at SOR Arcamanik, Bandung City.


A number of activities will be held, such as seminars, local food product exhibitions, joint sports, cheap bazaars and food creation competitions.


West Java DKPP Secretary Indriantari said it was time to no longer depend on rice to meet food or carbohydrate needs because there are many types of local food, especially in West Java, that can replace it.


"For example, sorghum, hanjeli (jali) or sweet potatoes can replace carbohydrates from rice," said Indriantari in an event entitled Bewara West Java (Beja) Vol. 12, commemorating the 44th World Food Day, with the theme "Local Food, Future Food Solutions for West Java Independence" in the hall of the Regional Secretariat of West Java Province, Bandung City, Wednesday (13/11/2024).


Indriantari said, at this commemoration DKPP would expand the socialization of the use of local food, as well as campaigning to Stop Food Waste, one of which is sorghum products as a substitute for rice, which will be introduced to the public during the event.


West Java DKPP will also sign a collaboration with the hotel and restaurant association in West Java to utilize suitable food that does not run out so that it is not thrown away.


"There has been a circular from the Acting Governor of West Java to all OPDs to save food by controlling food waste in collaboration with food banks or associations, as well as reducing waste from homes," he said.


He also explained that expanding local food production from upstream to downstream or processed ingredients would increase food security in West Java, as well as reduce food dependence, especially rice from other areas outside West Java.


Yudith Sri Wulandari, an MSME player in sorghum production, said that many of the sorghum products he makes can be enjoyed instantly and are easily processed into contemporary products.


"Sorghum can be a substitute for heavy meals and also snacks. I already have processed sorghum flour products that can be used to make foods such as bread and even ramen," he explained.


He has collaborated with farmers, such as supplying the superior Bio Huma variant of sorghum seeds to helping with the production and distribution process.


"It has been sent to various regions in Indonesia. Later on November 16, people will be able to taste sorghum food and processed sorghum products," he said.


Yudith hopes that the dissemination of the use of local West Java food will continue so that local food protection can be maximized. He also hopes that sorghum production will be increased to meet increasing demand.


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