WJIS 2024 Will Align Industry HR Needs to Strengthen MSMEs
Bisnis.com, BANDUNG - The West Java Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) will discuss several crucial issues with the industry at the West Java Investment Summit (WJIS) 2024.
West Java DPMPTSP Head Nining Yuliastiani said this year's WJIS also aims to align labor needs with industry needs in a discussion session.
In this session, experts and stakeholders discussed the importance of aligning workforce skills with the evolving needs of the industry.
“This discussion highlights the need for education and training programs that are relevant to the latest technologies and innovations, so that West Java's workforce can meet market demand and support investment growth in strategic sectors,” he said Monday (26/8/2024).
In addition, supply chains will also be the subject of strategic discussions that focus on strengthening partnerships between MSMEs and large industries. This session discusses how MSMEs can partner with large companies to create a more inclusive and dynamic business ecosystem.
“The government and private sector are expected to work together in providing access to technology, financing, and markets for MSMEs, so that they can contribute more to the industrial supply chain,” he said.
According to him, WJIS 2024 is not only a platform to promote new investment opportunities in West Java, but also to strengthen collaboration between the government, private sector, and the community.
“With a focus on innovation and sustainability, West Java is ready to welcome the future as one of the most promising investment destinations in Indonesia,” he said.
It is planned that the strategic projects presented and discussions that took place at WJIS 2024 will be the foundation for the province's future economic growth, creating long-term benefits for all stakeholders.
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