The realization of investment value in Bandung City in 2024 exceeds the target

Kota Bandung (ANTARA) - The Department of Investment, One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) of Bandung City, West Java, noted that the realization of investment entering the Flower City in 2024 reached IDR 8.5 trillion, exceeding the target set at IDR 7.3 trillion.


"As of October, the amount of investment realization entering Bandung City has exceeded 117.42 percent of the annual target that has been set," said Head of Bandung City DPMPTSP Ronny Ahmad Nurudin, in Bandung, Saturday.


He revealed that until the end of the third quarter of this year, the realization of domestic investment (PMDN) actually dominated investment in Bandung City by contributing IDR 6.3 trillion, while for the foreign investment (PMA) category it reached IDR 2.2 trillion.


"Most of the foreign investors' business activities are already operational, so the additional investment is not very significant," he said again.


Ronny said there are several factors that make foreign and domestic investors interested in investing in Bandung City, one of which is the ease of service provided by DPMPTSP for potential investors.


"We also provide OSS assistance services, Sakedap services (Licensing Facility Facilities) in sub-districts and market industry centers for micro business actors," said Ronny.


Acting Regional Secretary for the City of Bandung Dharmawan said that this achievement shows an increase in the confidence of investors to invest their capital in the City of Bandung.


"We ensure that investment policies can be implemented properly in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.


Dharmawan said that the Bandung City Government continues to be committed to providing various conveniences for investors to maintain a positive and sustainable investment climate, so that it can boost the regional economy.


"In terms of investment, the City of Bandung has Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 4 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Capital Investment. "This regional regulation is a guide in the implementation and technical aspects of investment," said Dharmawan.


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