The Regional Secretary is committed to making Bogor Regency an attractive investment destination

Kabupaten Bogor (ANTARA) - Regional Secretary of Bogor Regency, West Java, Ajat Rochmat Jatnika is committed to making his region an attractive destination for investment.


"We are committed to making Bogor Regency an attractive investment destination," said Ajat at the Investment Forum in Sentul, Wednesday.


According to him, to achieve sustainable economic growth, investment oriented towards innovation and high technology needs to continue to be encouraged. This will strengthen the manufacturing base and create a resilient industrial ecosystem.


Ajat explained, to achieve this goal, various efforts have been made, such as improving policies and regulations, accelerating the licensing process, improving the quality of human resources through training, and building infrastructure that supports industrial activities.


Meanwhile, the Bogor Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP) Irwan Purnawan noted that the investment value in the area reached IDR 12 trillion during 2023.


He explained that the investment consisted of Domestic Investment (PMDN) worth IDR 8.8 trillion and Foreign Investment (PMA) of around IDR 3.16 trillion.


The investment value, he said, exceeded the target set by the Bogor Regency Government, namely IDR 9 trillion.


"This achievement is an achievement because it succeeded in placing Bogor Regency with the third highest investment realization in West Java Province in 2023," said Irwan.


The highest realization was achieved by Bekasi Regency with total incoming investment of IDR 41.5 trillion and secondly Karawang Regency IDR 35.1 trillion.


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