The Cianjur Regency Government Recorded Investment Realization in 2024 Reaching 47 Percent
Cianjur (ANTARA) - The Cianjur district government via The Department of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP), West Java, recorded that investment realization in the second quarter of 2024 reached 47.41 percent or around IDR 862,961,798,198 of the target of IDR 1,820,061,327,000.
Head of DPMPTSP Cianjur Dadan Ginanjar in Cianjur Thursday, said that micro and small business permits (IUMK) were the biggest contributor to investment in Cianjur from 11 sectors in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing through the Online Single Submission System (OSS RBA) with a realization of IDR 215,409,964,098.
"Looking at the realization up to June 12, we are optimistic that the target can be achieved and exceeded like the previous year by more than 100 percent thanks to the support of related regional agencies and organizations," he said.
The achievement of investment realization from January to June 12 2024 is inseparable from the high level of trust from various groups of people and investors to invest their capital in various business fields in Cianjur.
Various programs that make it easier for investors to invest are provided by the Cianjur Regency Government, such as providing incentives to business actors in the form of tax relief or levies based on Cianjur Regional Regulation Number 13 of 2023 concerning Providing Incentives and Ease of Investment.
In fact, he said, the Regent of Cianjur together with the Cianjur Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) helped ensure the security and ease of investing, so that from the beginning to the middle of the year the number of investors entering Cianjur continued to increase.
"We hope that the revision of the Regional Spatial Planning Regulation (RTRW) will soon be completed and ratified, so that investment numbers will continue to increase by intensifying outreach to investors and potential investors from inside and outside Cianjur," he said. He explained that other investment achievements in Cianjur contributed quite high, such as the trade and services sector with a realization of IDR 166,306,573,519 or 10.04 percent, foreign investment (PMA) realization of IDR 134,280,000,000 or 8.11 percent.
Meanwhile, the Investment Activity Report for the 10 largest sectors is the energy and mining sector amounting to IDR 9,239,500,000 or 0.56 percent, so the party is optimistic that investment realization in 2024 amounting to IDR 1,820,061,327,000 can be achieved before the end of the year.
"Various programs to attract investors to come and invest in Cianjur have been carried out for the last two years, so that investment development in various fields is wide open," he said.
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