Seven Investors Have Invested in Industrial Estates in Majalengka

Majalengka (ANTARA) -
The manager of Kertajati Industrial Estate Majalengka (KIEM) said there were seven investors from within and outside the country, who had invested in one of the industrial allotment areas in Majalengka, West Java.


“The investment value that we recorded only in terms of land purchases in this industrial allotment area reached Rp40 billion,” said Reni Anggarwati, Marketing Section of KIEM Management in Majalengka, Wednesday.


She explained that the seven investors consisted of one foreign investment (PMA), and six domestic investments (PMDN) that had committed to pouring funds into the area.


The industrial estate in Majalengka, she said, covers an area of 400 hectares designed to accommodate various industrial sectors such as food processing, shoes, steel, concrete to manufacturing.


Reni said that the area is part of the development of the Rebana Metropolitan area, whose provisions are regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 87/2021.


“We only started moving in 2024, so the total investment value will only be seen next year. However, if you refer to reports, investment in this area is one of the highest,” he said.


Although the development of this industrial area was hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic, he is optimistic that there will be a more significant surge in investment value in the next few years.


Regarding the potential for labor absorption, Reni explained that after seven investors enter, it is estimated that there will be around 20,000 workers absorbed, but the recruitment process is carried out in stages.


She also emphasized the importance of cooperation from the management of the Rebana area, provincial and regency governments, and all related sectors to ensure that the local community can take advantage of job opportunities at this industrial site.


“The number of workers absorbed can reach 20,000 people. However, this will be done in stages, and it is a common homework to prepare a suitable workforce,” he said.



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