Salute! Bandung City Wins Three Awards in 2024 KKJ-PKJB Competition

Bandung City Dekranasda and the MSME actors they foster won three awards at the West Java Creative Work competition and West Java Creative Week (KKJ-PKJB) 2024.


In detail, the Bandung City Dekranasda received one best award in the Photo Shoot category. Meanwhile, two MSMEs assisted by the Bandung City Dekranasda won two awards, namely KAR Studio (1st place in the category of products made from ceramics and stone raw materials) and Elina Keramik (3rd place in the category of products made from ceramic raw materials and stone raw materials).


Acting Chair of the Bandung City Dekranasda, Linda Nurani Hapsah, admitted that she was proud of the achievements made by the Bandung City Dekranasda and the MSMEs it supports. According to him, Bandung City MSME players are consistent with the products they build.


"Their challenges and difficulties are not bad. However, their innovation in developing products is very good. They deserve this award," said Linda (30/6/2024).


He advised all MSMEs, especially those supported by the Bandung City Dekranasda, not to stop presenting innovation. Linda said, Dekranasda Bandung City's commitment is to provide quality products.


"Conduct development research, focus on quality products. Our commitment is to present classy products," he said.


One more thing, Linda also admitted that she was happy that the Bandung City Dekranasda team won the Best Photoshoot Category title in this competition. The photo session featured the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono with the Acting Chair of the Bandung City Dekranasda, Linda Nurani Hapsah in typical Bandung City Wastra costumes covered in a Canadian theme.


"This result was achieved thanks to the cooperation of everyone. The Dekranasda team, Public Relations, and also the community involved. I see that this is not just a beautiful photo, but we can display the 'Wastra' that we are promoting. This is Dekranasda's offering to all the people of Bandung City," he said .


Meanwhile, in his speech, Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin expressed his pride that the 2024 KKJ-PKJB was successfully held. He emphasized that this event was an effort to promote the best MSME products from West Java.


"The implementation of KKJ-PKJB 2024 for three days is actually to promote MSME products in West Java, and as a benchmark for UKM players to present even better products from West Java," said Bey.


He hopes that the large number of visitors to the MSME product stands in each city/district can increase tourist attraction. So that 27 cities/regencies throughout West Java will always be favorite destinations for tourists.


"Our homework is the length of stay of tourists. We think it is our duty to attract more tourists so they can stay longer in the area, ladies and gentlemen," said Bey.



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