President Jokowi Inaugurates a Number of Important Infrastructure in West Java: Improve Connectivity and Logistics Efficiency

President Joko Widodo accompanied by Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo, on Thursday, August 29, 2024, inaugurated a number of important infrastructures in West Java Province. The inaugurated infrastructure includes the replacement of 16 Callender Hamilton (CH) Bridges, Ciloseh Bridge in Tasikmalaya City, as well as the implementation of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) for Regional Roads (IJD).


“By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I inaugurate 16 bridges replacing Callender Hamilton, 22 roads built with Regional Road Presidential Instruction, and Ciloseh Bridge in West Java Province this morning,” the President said in his remarks during the inauguration which was centered at Citanduy Bridge, Banjar City.


President Jokowi said that the replacement of 16 Callender Hamilton Bridges spread across 8 regencies and cities in West Java Province is the Government's effort to improve connectivity and strengthen infrastructure in the region. The bridges have a total length of 1,030 meters and cost an investment of Rp1.9 trillion.


“Alhamdulillah, today we inaugurate 16 Callender Hamilton bridges in West Java Province spread across 8 regencies and cities with a total length of 1,030 meters and an investment cost of Rp1.9 trillion,” the President said.


In addition, the President also inaugurated 22 roads spanning 121 kilometers under the Presidential Instruction for Regional Roads (IJD) program. The project covers 13 regencies and cities in West Java with a budget of Rp521 billion.


On that occasion, the President also inaugurated Ciloseh Bridge in Tasikmalaya City which cost Rp112 billion. This bridge is part of the northern ring of Tasikmalaya City which is expected to improve connectivity and overcome congestion in the city.


“This will improve connectivity and accessibility to the airport and Tasik City which also overcome congestion in the city of Tasikmalaya,” said the President.


President Jokowi also emphasized that the development and improvement of infrastructure in various regions has a number of important objectives. The inauguration of various infrastructures is also expected to have a positive impact on the economy of West Java, especially in improving transportation efficiency and connectivity between regions.


“The development and improvement of infrastructure in various regions has the aim of improving connectivity, streamlining logistics costs, and also facilitating the mobility of people and goods,” the President said.


Also accompanying the President and Ibu Iriana in the inauguration were Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Pj. Mayor of Banjar Ida Wahida Hidayati, Pj. Mayor of Tasikmalaya Cheka Virgowansyah, Director General of Highways of Ministry of PUPR Rachman Arief Dienaputra, and Director of Road Development of Ministry of PUPR Wida Nurfaida.



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