Investment in West Java is the Highest in Indonesia in the First Quarter of 2024

Investment in West Java is again ranked first nationally in the first quarter of 2024. Investment entering West Java is dominated by the processing industry.


Head of the West Java DPMPTSP, Nining Yulistiani, said that the total investment coming into West Java until the first quarter of 2024 reached IDR 64.7 trillion and was the highest in Indonesia.

"This first quarter, West Java investment ranked first in Indonesia, namely IDR 64.7 trillion," said Nining in Bandung, Thursday (16/5/2024).

Nining detailed that the investment value of IDR 64.7 trillion consisted of IDR 23 trillion of Domestic Investment (PMDN) and IDR 41 trillion of Foreign Investment (PMA).


"With a composition of IDR 23 trillion PMDN, IDR 41 trillion PMA. If you look at the composition, the processing sector is in first position, so the growth is good," he explained.

According to him, the high investment value is driven by a number of factors such as developed infrastructure, a large market and guaranteed political stability.

Until the end of 2024, Nining said that the processing industry sector, especially the automotive sector, will still dominate incoming investment in West Java. In fact, according to him, investors from China and Vietnam have also looked for places to invest their capital in West Java.

"Several investors from various countries are interested in investing in automotive, China and Vietnam have conveyed information to us. China has already obtained land, Vietnam is still in the process of searching for land," he concluded.

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