Investment in Bekasi Regency Reaches 20 Percent, Property Sector Contributes

PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Capital investment in Bekasi Regency in the first quarter of 2024 has reached 20 percent. This figure is believed to continue to increase as the number of investments from various sectors in this area nicknamed Industrial City increases. One factor that also increases investment is sales from the property sector.


Acting Regent Dani Ramdan said that investment realization was a positive point of growth. In fact, it is believed that investment in Bekasi Regency in 2024 will increase compared to the previous year after financial conditions have completely recovered.


"This year the investment that has come in is around more than 20 percent. The numbers continue to increase until they close at the end of the year. However, judging from the progress of the past few months, we believe there will be an increase in investment realization as conditions in the business world continue to recover. "And we are grateful that Bekasi Regency is still the main choice," said Dani.


Reflecting on 2023, investment realization in Bekasi Regency reached IDR 61,211,307,193,110. This realization increased significantly compared to 2022, which amounted to IDR 47.03 trillion. Every year, investment in Bekasi Regency is always the highest in West Java with a percentage reaching 29.06 percent.


With the current achievement of 20 percent, if calculated from last year's realization, investment in Bekasi Regency has now reached IDR 12.24 trillion. One of the major investments that has attracted attention is the opening of a number of new factories in various sectors ranging from manufacturing, automotive to household needs.


Then the realization of this investment was also injected from sales in the property sector. One of the largest property developers in Bekasi Regency, Lippo Cikarang also recorded sales figures of 23 percent or IDR 325 billion in the first quarter of this year.


This sale is believed to be within the company's target set at IDR 1.4 trillion at the end of the year.


LPCK President Director Ketut Budi Wijaya said that the company's main income comes from the handover of landed houses, commercial units or shophouses, industrial land as well as non-property income from Lippo Cikarang city management. These include a number of housing projects such as Waterfront Estates and The Hive, which have handed over 230 units.


"Indeed, there was an increase in the positive direction in the first quarter of this year. Excluding sales, the company's total revenue was IDR 435 billion or an increase of 175 percent compared to the first quarter of last year. Of course we are proud to be able to help increase the realization of investment in Cikarang," he said .


Ketut predicts that the opportunity for the industry to continue to grow is still very open. This can be seen from the high market demand for both private residences and industrial purposes. "The company has succeeded in achieving pre-sales of 23 percent of the annual target, and we believe there will continue to be an increase," he said.



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