Investment Realization in Tarakan in the Second Quarter of 2024 Reaches IDR 8.4 Trillion, the Largest Contribution from PT PRI

TRIBUNKALTARA.COM, TARAKAN – Throughout 2024, investment achievements in Tarakan, North Kalimantan until the second quarter reached IDR 8.4 trillion.


From these achievements, previously the 2024 investment target from DPMPTSP Kaltara was IDR 11.9 trillion. Head of the Tarakan Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) Service, Sugeng is optimistic that the 2024 investment target can be achieved. The reason is, the third quarter is still waiting for the calculation to be completed at the end of October 2024.


Sugeng stated that he was optimistic that the target could be achieved, because of the construction of large companies in Tarakan, one of which was PT Phoenix Resources International or PT PRI. PT PRI has just been reviewed by the Director of the Ministry of Investment together with DPMPTSP, Assistant, DLH and the Department of Industry and Manpower, in November 2024 it will be able to operate.


"The maximum investment is around IDR 21 trillion for PT PRI," said Sugeng. Sugeng said the realization of the achievement was IDR 8.4 trillion, the largest contribution from PT PRI. Apart from that, there are other companies but not up to IDR 1 trillion. “For others, it's just billions. That's a total value of IDR 8 trillion. If PRI is around almost IDR 7 trillion more.


"Yesterday we had a conversation with PT PRI officials. In the future, if the trial runs smoothly, we will increase the investment," explained Sugeng. Sugeng claims that this is the largest production in the world. However, he forgot the daily details of how much it was worth. “2,400 tons per day if I'm not mistaken for paper pulp. The ingredients come from East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan, if the information is not wrong, they are brought to Tarakan. "The materials have now been received and trials have begun," he explained.


When it is operational, a maximum workforce of up to 3,000 workers will be needed. Yesterday's information was only in the range of 1,800 workers at PT Phoenix Resources International. Apart from that, in other areas of the company there are donations of wood for shipyards and other companies that invest. "There was also an MoU for the distribution of clean water yesterday but there is still no updated information," he said.



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