Investment Realization in Cianjur Third Quarter Reaches IDR 1.3 Trillion

Cianjur (ANTARA) - The Department of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, recorded investment realization for the third quarter of August 2024 reaching IDR 1,309,799,410,996 or 71.96 percent of the target of IDR 1,820,061,327,000.


Head of DPMPTSP Cianjur Dadan Ginanjar in Cianjur Friday, said that Micro and Small Business Licenses (IUMK) contributed the largest investment in Cianjur from 11 sectors in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing through the Online Single Submission System (OSS RBA).


"IUMK was recorded with a realization of IDR 324,550,630,875 or 17.83 percent, the trade and services sector with a realization of IDR 321,053,985,154 or 17.64 percent," he said.


Continuing with foreign investment (PMA), the realization reached IDR 185,521,000,439 or 10.19 percent, while the Investment Activity Report (LKPM) from the 10 largest sectors of trade and services amounted to IDR 15,254,500,000 or 0.84 percent, followed by industrial sector IDR 9,689,700,000 or 0.53 percent.


Looking at the investment figures that have been recorded as of August, the party is optimistic that it can achieve the investment target throughout 2024 of IDR 1,820,061,327,000 before the end of the year or even have an excess or surplus.


"The high achievement figures throughout 2024 are a result of joint hard work across departments and the trust of investors to invest their capital in various business fields in Cianjur," he said.


In fact, to attract as many investors as possible to invest in Cianjur, the Cianjur Regency Government provides various programs and facilities including issuing Regional Regulation Number 13 of 2023 concerning Providing Incentives and Ease of Investment. As well as all levels of the Cianjur Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) guarantee the ease of safe and comfortable investment, so that investors can choose the location they want to go to through the Regional Spatial Plan which will soon have regional regulations issued.


"Various investment fields are wide open in Cianjur, especially now that the RTRW has been issued and will soon be legalized, so that investors can choose the appropriate location without hesitation because it has already been mapped," he said.



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