Investing in a Healthier Future, Telkom Distributes Clean Water Sanitation Assistance
Jakarta, 4 October 2024 - PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) distributed clean water and proper sanitation assistance to 17 provinces in 53 locations throughout Indonesia. Among them are the provinces of East Java, West Java, Central Java, DKI Jakarta, Banten, North Sumatra, Lampung and Riau. Not only that, the provinces of Riau Islands, South Sumatra, Aceh, Jambi, D. I. Yogyakarta, Bali, East Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi and South Sulawesi also received benefits.
Clean water and proper sanitation are basic human needs. One of the points in the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) in the environmental sector is to ensure that people can easily achieve access to drinking water and adequate sanitation. Quoting data from the PUPR Ministry, it is stated that in 2022, there will be 35.3 million people in Indonesia who will not have access to clean and adequate water. The majority of people who do not have access to clean and adequate water live in rural areas.
This aid distribution activity has been carried out throughout 2024 and is estimated to have provided benefits to thousands of heads of families throughout Indonesia. The clean water and proper sanitation aid distribution program is part of Telkom's Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL). This program also implements the Government's target in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), to realize 90% access to adequate sanitation, as well as providing 100% access to adequate drinking water, and 15% access to safe drinking water by 2024.
Senior General Manager of the Social Responsibility Center Telkom Hery Susanto said, "In supporting the agenda for achieving Sustainable Development by 2030, Telkom is committed to supporting improving the quality of life of the Indonesian people. One of them is implemented by fulfilling the community's clean water and sanitation needs. "It is hoped that this program can provide sustainable benefits, especially for communities in rural areas."
On another occasion, Mr Andri as the beneficiary representative expressed his appreciation for this program, "Thank you Telkom Indonesia for this assistance program. I and other village residents are very grateful and feel very helped. Now, we no longer have difficulty accessing clean water.”
Telkom is committed to improving the quality of life of the community through the distribution of clean water and proper sanitation assistance. It is also hoped that this program can be implemented sustainably and on target, especially in 3T (Disadvantaged, Frontier, Outermost) areas. This program is also in line with Sustainable Development Goals point 6, namely ensuring the availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation for all.
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