Iis Turniasih Mentions Infrastructure and Acceleration of Investment Sector to Drive Economic Improvement Efforts in South West Java
HASANAH.ID - PURWAKARTA. The South West Java region has high potential to be developed in various sectors.
The tourism sector is one of the prima donnas that can drive the community's economy.
Hj. Iis Turniasih asked the West Java Provincial Government to encourage the improvement of the South West Java economy through the investment sector.
This was conveyed by Iis Turniasih, considering the high potential that is still wide open in an effort to boost the economic growth of the South West Java community.
“The high potential in the South West Java Region is very possible to grow and develop through the investment sector. The potential for natural resources and tourism is a high business opportunity that will have an impact on society,” said Iis Turniasih, when confirmed, Monday, August 26, 2024.
However, the uneven growth of investment in West Java is a serious concern of the government. Therefore, Iis asked the West Java Provincial Government to encourage investment in the southern part of West Java.
“Currently, investment growth in West Java is still uneven, especially economic growth in southern West Java is still low, people's purchasing power is still low. Therefore, investment must be encouraged to South West Java,” said this PDI-P politician.
Iis said that one of the things that must be encouraged is the issue of connectivity or infrastructure. Infrastructure will be able to encourage and facilitate investors to invest well and easily.
“If investment is encouraged to South West Java, the risk is that infrastructure development must also be encouraged to South West Java, especially
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