Husin Appreciates West Java Provincial Government's Efforts, Boosting PMDN and PMA with Ease of Licensing Services
Husin expressed his appreciation to the West Java Provincial Government for increasing PMDN and PMA investment through easier licensing services. This step is expected to stimulate investors and expand employment in West Java.
INILAHKORAN, Bandung - Member of Commission III of the West Java Provincial DPRD, Husin, expressed his appreciation for the West Java Provincial Government's steps in increasing domestic investment (PMDN) and foreign investment (PMA) through the provision of easier licensing services.
According to Husin, the West Java Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Agency (DPMPTSP) has succeeded in significantly improving its public services. This step is expected to stimulate investor interest in investing in West Java, which in turn will create more jobs.
"With the provincial integrated public service (P2TP) and the Sakiceup Boss program, investors can take care of all their licensing needs in one place. This includes services such as the creation of IPR from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, SNI certification from BSN, halal certificates from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and regulations from BPOM," Husin said on Monday, June 24, 2024.
The politician from the Perindo Party also added that this effort not only makes it easier for large investors but also provides opportunities for MSMEs to strengthen their businesses directly at the West Java DPMPTSP Office.
"This is a positive step in supporting local economic growth and reducing unemployment and extreme poverty in West Java. With P2TP and the Sakiceup Boss program, it can provide many services in one place so that people can more easily access business services," he said.*** (Yuliantono)
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