Highest in West Java, Until the Third Quarter of 2024, Bekasi Regency Investment Value Reaches IDR 54.134 Trillion
CIKARANG PUSAT - Bekasi Regency is again targeting to become the region with the highest investment realization in West Java Province in 2024. It is recorded that by the third quarter of 2024, the investment value of Bekasi Regency has reached IDR 54.134 trillion.
Head of the Bekasi Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service (DPMPTSP), Suhup, said that the West Java Provincial Government is targeting the investment value of Bekasi Regency in 2024 to be IDR 64.9 trillion. Meanwhile, the investment target for the strategic plan (renstra) at the Bekasi Regency level is IDR 50 trillion.
"Yes, we are trying our best to get investors to come to Bekasi Regency to invest their capital," said Suhup, at his office, Central Cikarang Regency Government Complex, on Thursday (31/10/2024).
Suhup believes that the target given by the West Java Provincial Government in the next two months will be achieved.
"By the third quarter of 2024, IDR 54 trillion will have passed. We are optimistic that the target imposed by the Provincial Government on the Bekasi Regency Government of IDR 64.9 trillion, God willing, can be achieved," he explained.
According to him, the benefits of high investment realization have a positive impact in line with labor absorption. Bekasi Regency ranks first in West Java in terms of labor absorption at 42,645 workers.
Based on Bekasi Regency DPMPTSP data, the total investment realization for Foreign Direct Investment (PMA) is IDR. 39.363 trillion with a workforce absorption of 20,831 people. Meanwhile, Domestic Investment (PMDN) is worth IDR 14.769 trillion with a workforce of 21,814 people.
He said that the investment sector with the highest value in 2024 will be in other services worth IDR 11.107 trillion, followed by the metal, machinery and electronics industry sector worth IDR 6.907 trillion, then the motor vehicle and other means of transportation industry with a value of IDR 6.094 trillion.
The largest workforce absorption is in the metal, machinery and electronics industry sector which absorbs 6,215 people, the motor vehicle and other means of transportation industry with 5,791 people and the trade and repair sector absorbs 4,485 workers.
"This figure is the total absorption of local workers and people from other areas who are looking for work in Bekasi Regency," he said.
Suhup said that DPMPTSP continues to optimize so that investment realization in Bekasi Regency remains a favorite at the West Java provincial level by making various efforts.
For example, by creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that regulate licensing so that it does not take a long time and is even accelerated. Then carry out outreach to the entire company.
Most recently, in 2024, the Bekasi Regency DPMPTSP launched a Regional Regulation (Perda) which regulates convenience and provides incentives to entrepreneurs.
"So we are shortening the permits not only at the DPMPTSP, but also at the technical services which have been the source of complaints from entrepreneurs. We are also active in helping entrepreneurs make reports when there are difficulties. That is the factor that makes our investment the highest," he concluded.
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