Head of the West Java-Bandung Raya region testing buses to finalize BRT plans

Bandung (ANTARA) - The Regional Head of West Java Province and the district/city of Greater Bandung conducted a trial of the Bandung Square-Kota Baru Parahyangan city bus, this Monday, in order to finalize plans to develop the Greater Bandung Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) transportation system.


The trial using this bus transportation tool was to assess several aspects before the BRT Bandung Raya operational, such as regarding comfort and travel time during the trip.


"We, together with the regional heads in the Bandung basin or the Greater Bandung metropolitan area, tried the BRT directly and the buses were comfortable, but the travel time was not congested for an hour, I think it's quite good, just need to be strengthened. Maybe special lanes are also needed in several corridors," said the Acting West Java Governor Bey Triadi Machmudin in West Bandung, Monday.


Bey said that from the planned 21 corridors when they operate later, currently there are only five corridors that are quite good, such as Dipatiukur-Jatinangor, Baleendah-BEC, Alun-alun-Padalarang, Leuwipanjang-Dago, and Leuwipanjang-Soreang.


"For the initial three corridors, 56 percent were on time, so we are optimistic that this will be a useful mode of transportation, especially for residents of Greater Bandung," he said.


Regarding travel time in relation to existing traffic and road width, Bey said that the BRT stops at each stop for a maximum of two minutes, and the headways are between adjacent bus units to avoid pile-ups, either on buses or at stops.


In the future, said Bey, infrastructure for the Greater Bandung BRT will begin to be built in early 2025, including an operations command center for managing bus units, CCTV equipment in buses for security.


"Also, an integrated payment system will be created with one payment for the entire corridor with crossing points created. The budget for infrastructure will be from the World Bank. So of course it is hoped that the people of Greater Bandung will switch to bus transportation," he said.


The Greater Bandung BRT will begin construction in early 2025, then continue with phase II in 2026 and be fully operational in 2027, the corridor of which will cover the areas of West Bandung Regency, Cimahi City, Bandung City, Bandung Regency and Sumedang Regency.


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