Government Launches Creative Financing Regulation for Infrastructure

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs together with related Ministries / Institutions have launched two regulations related to creative financing for infrastructure development.


Both are the Limited Management Rights (HPT) Scheme based on Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 32 of 2020 and the Management Scheme for Acquisition of Increased Area Value (P3NK) or known as Land Value Capture based on Presidential Regulation Number 79 of 2024.


“In order to encourage infrastructure development, the government continues to increase the effectiveness of investment financing through alternative creative financing policies that reduce the burden on the state budget and encourage private participation,” said Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto at the Launching of Creative Financing Regulations for Infrastructure Development, Wednesday (28/08).


Airlangga said that the role of the state budget needs to be focused on pushing Indonesia out of the middle-income trap, namely by optimizing the demographic bonus, continuing economic transformation, increasing investment attractiveness and creating more jobs.


One of the efforts made to achieve these targets is through increased infrastructure development.


Based on the 2025 Draft State Budget, infrastructure development is budgeted at Rp400.3 trillion, especially for education and health infrastructure, connectivity infrastructure, food and energy infrastructure, and the sustainability of the development of the Archipelago's Capital City.


“The budget that has been launched is encouraged to support the Advanced Indonesia Vision 2045 in achieving an infrastructure stock ratio of 49% of GDP by 2024,” he said.


Attract Private Investment


On the same occasion, Plt. Deputy for Coordination of Regional Development and Spatial Planning Susiwijono Moegiarso explained that the HPT scheme, commonly known as asset recycling, is a scheme to optimize State Property (BMN) and assets of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to obtain funding for financing infrastructure provision.


On the other hand, P3NK or known as Land Value Capture is a regional-based funding scheme by utilizing the increase in land value resulting from investment, activities, and government policies in an area.


“The policy has two bases of application, namely Tax-Based and Development-Based,” he said.


The HPT scheme was first launched by Australia in 2014 and has been successfully implemented in the infrastructure of Melbourne Port and Sydney Airport.


In addition, the P3NK scheme has also previously been successfully implemented in several countries such as the UK, Hong Kong and Japan.


“Therefore, innovation in financing schemes is very important to ensure the smooth and sustainable development of national infrastructure. Creative financing regulations are formed as a catalyst to attract the necessary private investment,” he said.


Susiwijono hopes that by providing legal certainty and attractive incentives, it can encourage active participation of business actors in financing and managing infrastructure projects.


“In addition, it is also expected to support the achievement of sustainable development goals by encouraging investment in infrastructure projects that are environmentally friendly and resilient to climate change,” he explained.


In addition, for these two Perpres, according to him, several derivative regulations are still needed, so that later in the implementation can really be in accordance with what has been planned and expected together.


“Then we will also conduct various discussions and discussions, especially regarding technical matters of implementation so that we can really encourage the implementation of these two financing schemes, both through HPT and P3NK,” Susiwijono concluded.



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