Glancing at the Attraction of Property Investment in South Bandung
Residential areas that are easy to reach from centers of economic activity become magnets for the community. Therefore, determining location is very important in choosing a place to live for easy daily accessibility.
In Bandung, West Java, one of the areas that is currently developing is South Bandung, which directly borders Bandung Regency, as a buffer area. The Bandung Regency area is also strategic because it is the economic pulse with the presence of many manufacturing industries which according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) absorb more than 660 thousand workers. Industries located in the area range from garments, food and beverages, printing to other national scale industries.
Industrial areas often have a large population and this has an impact on high demand for housing because it makes it easier in terms of accessibility. This opens up prospects for the development of the surrounding property.
One of the developers in Bandung, namely Matahariland (PT Mentari Agung Mandiri) created the newest residential project, namely Bumi Siliwangi, which is located on Jalan Siliwangi, Baleendah District, Bandung Regency. The area currently being built, namely the Padjajaran Cluster, had its groundbreaking carried out on Monday (4/11).
"We really maintain our reputation because we believe that trust from customers is very important. We even started construction on the latest Bumi Siliwangi project with ground breaking before launching," said Matahariland's General Manager of Sales and Marketing, Irving Baradian Tantoso.
With more than 15 years of experience and 20 successfully built projects, Matahariland continues to strive to meet people's demand for comfortable, modern and quality housing. Matahariland is trying to prove that it is a consistent developer by successfully selling more than 4,000 housing units.
Bumi Siliwangi's location is strategic because it is surrounded by industrial areas stretching across Dayeuhkolot, Tegalluar, Rancaekek, to national strategic industrial locations in South Bandung. Toll road access is adjacent to the Padaleunyi Toll Road. The nearest health facilities are also affordable, including Al Ihsan Hospital, West Java Province and Muhammadiyah Hospital, South Bandung. The location is also close to Telkom University.
According to Irving, property investment has a big influence on occupancy in the surrounding neighborhood and in the residential area itself. Conditions in the area around the location that continue to progress are usually accompanied by further development of infrastructure and public facilities.
“One of the important things in property investment is occupancy. Because this occupancy greatly influences future prices. Occupancy greatly influences comfort and price. In terms of investment, launching the project is not the only factor but also the occupancy of the area. "If the occupancy is high, it means it is promising in terms of investment and comfort," said Irving.
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