Game On! West Java Provincial Government Unites Ecraf Players in Application, Game, and Animation Subsectors through COFEX
BANDUNG - The West Java Provincial Government continues to support the growth of 17 creative economy subsectors, including the development of applications, games, and animation. One form of support is realized in the COFEX (Conference & Exhibition) activity at Gedung Sate, Bandung City, August 21-24, 2024.
The activity is a matchmaking momentum where ecraf actors can interact with industries, investors, business partners, or other stakeholders to open up opportunities for cooperation and investment. The event is packaged in a conference and exhibition or showcase of the application, game and animation subsectors.
Head of the Tourism and Culture Office of West Java Province Benny Bachtiar said that the ecraf sector is one of the pillars driving the economy in West Java. Therefore, the presence of COFEX is expected to have a positive impact while strengthening the position of ekraf as a strategic sector in economic development by relying on pentahelix collaboration.
“West Java is the leading province in creative economy development. Where the contribution of West Java ecraf GRDP contributed 20.73% to the national ecraf GRDP. Of the 17 ecraf subsectors, West Java has many superior potentials, one of which is animation, application and game developers,” said the Head of West Java Tourism and Culture representing PJ West Java Governor Bey Machmudin at the opening of COFEX, Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
“This activity is expected to explore new potentials, facilitate strategic partnerships, and encourage the creation of brilliant innovations that can elevate the image of West Java in the creative industry arena,” he added.
The presence of COFEX was also appreciated by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves) through Assistant Deputy for Creative Economy Development Liz Zeny Merry. She hopes that this program can become a medium for collaboration and bring benefits to the West Java economy.
“Appreciation for the event carried out at the initiation of the West Java Provincial Government in organizing the COFEX Application, Game and Animation event. I appreciate it because this is the future. The hope is that this event can establish collaboration between the game industry, large manufacturing industries, and create energy that brings benefits to the economy in the future, especially in West Java,” he said.
In addition, this program is also implemented in order to support the acceleration of national game development in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 19 of 2024. This is also an effort to increase the partnership of creative economy players with the industrial world, and provide real support for the Proud to be Made in Indonesia campaign.
“It is hoped that this activity can be a strategic step in answering the challenges of employment and the economy in West Java and preparing institutional human resources who are better prepared to face the future through new opportunities. After the implementation of COFEX, a relationship was established between large industries and creative economy players, especially the application, game and animation subsectors. We believe that the existence of these subsectors can accelerate the existing industry,” said the Head of Tourism Industry at Disparbud Jabar Rispiaga as the Chief Executive of COFEX Activities.
COFEX 2024 was filled with seminar sessions related to the application, game and animation subsectors delivered by a number of expert speakers from Ainaki-Ayena Studio, Halofina (PT. Acceleration of International Education). Nightspade, AstraTech, Indigo, and Furthermore, participants can also see exhibitions and demonstrations from five game studios, five animation studios, five application startups, and present a gameboard startup from West Java with the theme of gamification.
The event was also enlivened by a performance from the Parahyangan Orchestra (Parchestra) of Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) which performed game music soundtrack scores as a music subsector that supports the game industry. Also present at this event were representatives from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf RI) and representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense. This event is also a series of activities from the excitement of West Java Festival 2024.
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