Foreign Investors Investing Rp 126 Trillion, Lyrics to East Cirebon Area, Cirebon Efforts to increase investment are still one of the priority programs of the Cirebon Regency Government. The government believes the presence of investors has a positive impact on society.


PT Merlion Sejahtera Group is rumored to be investing Rp 129 trillion in Cirebon Regency. This was revealed in a working meeting of Commission II of the Cirebon Regency DPRD.


Chairman of Commission II of the Cirebon Regency DPRD Hasan Basori said the investment from PT Merlion Sejahtera Group has great potential to change the economic dynamics of Cirebon Regency.


“This investment is expected to improve the local economy, as well as open thousands of jobs for the local community,” said Hasan Basori when leading the agenda of Evaluation of Acceleration and Supervision of Investment for Foreign Investment, Thursday (15/8/2024).


Hasan Basori emphasized the importance of this investment for regional economic growth. According to him, PT Merlion Sejahtera Group has great potential to change the economic dynamics in Cirebon Regency.


He mentioned, currently the investment growth of Cirebon Regency per the third quarter has only reached 29 percent of the target of Rp 3.2 trillion.


“PT Merlion Sejahtera Group has an investment initiative of Rp 129 trillion, meaning that this figure exceeds several thousand percent of the investment target set by the local government,” Hasan said when interviewed by the media, Thursday (15/8/2024).


According to him, Cirebon Regency has a strategic position and strong investment carrying capacity on the coastal route.


Therefore, the importance of the role of the local government in supporting and overseeing these investments.


“We hope that this investment is part of increasing the economic growth of Cirebon Regency, which is currently relatively below the economic growth of West Java,” he said.


He hopes that the investment value of Rp 129 trillion can absorb a lot of local labor.


This, he said, is in accordance with the Regional Regulation (Perda) which prioritizes local wisdom policies.


“As a macroeconomic analogy, per one trillion, the estimated target is 1,500 to 2,000 workers can be absorbed. If it is Rp 129 trillion within 10 years, every year the growth is one trillion, then the workforce can be absorbed from the local workforce,” he explained.


It is known, PT Merlion Sejahtera Group, which is engaged in the smelter industry. It is also expected to support regional exports, thus encouraging the economic growth of Cirebon Regency at a macro level.


Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) of Cirebon Regency, Asep Soleh said, the foreign company has officially invested in Cirebon Regency with a development plan on 250 hectares of land in Pengarengan Village.


This investment is considered to have a positive impact on the regional economy, especially in reducing unemployment and boosting economic growth.


According to him, the presence of the foreign company is an important momentum for Cirebon Regency to attract more investors.


“Of course, Apindo Cirebon Regency is very happy, thank you to PT Merlion Sejahtera Group for investing heavily in Cirebon Regency.”


He also emphasized the importance of support from various parties. Such as the local government and legislature to ensure investment can run smoothly and have a positive impact on society.


According to Asep, the presence of PT Merlion Sejahtera Group in Cirebon Regency can be an opening door for other investors who want to invest in this region.


“Like the economy, unemployment is reduced, and so on. So, it must be well supported so that then not only Merlion, but other PTs can also be present in Cirebon Regency,” he said.


PT Merlion Sejahtera Group's development and operational target in Pengarengan Village is expected in 2025.


Currently, the land acquisition process has reached 130 hectares of the total 250 hectares planned.


Asep also hopes that local companies can participate in this project to accelerate investment realization.


“Merlion can also be assisted by local indigenous companies to accelerate its investment. So this is a very good support system,” he said.



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