Finally West Java Will Have an Inner-City Toll Road Worth Rp8.3 Trillion, This is the Route Leak!

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM - West Java Province will finally have an inner-city toll road soon.


It is known, the inner-city toll road that will soon be owned by West Java Province is precisely in Bandung.


The toll road which is planned to have a length of about 27.3 kilometers is called the Bandung Inner City Toll Road or Bandung Intra Urban Toll Road (BIUTR).


The Bandung Inner City Toll Road was built with a fantastic investment cost of Rp8.3 trillion.


Swallowing investment costs of up to Rp8.3 trillion, this toll road is said to be a solution in solving the congestion problem in the city of Bandung because its route will cross several points of the city center.


Reportedly, the route of this toll road is Pasteur Toll Road - Jalan Junjunan - Flyover Pasirkaliki - Flyover Pasupati - Gasibu - Jalan Surapati - Junction Pusdai - Jalan PHH Mustofa - Junction Ujungberung - Cibiru - Junction Cileunyi.


The Rp8.3 trillion Bandung Inner City Toll Road is estimated to be able to accommodate as many as 45,000 vehicles per day.


For information, the construction of the Bandung Inner City Toll Road was stalled for 17 years.


The stalled construction of the 27.3-kilometer toll road was due to obstacles in land acquisition.


Having stalled for 17 years, the construction of the Bandung Inner City Toll Road was then resumed in 2024.


In fact, the Bandung Inner City Toll Road or Bandung Intra Urban Toll Road (BIUTR) is said to have been included in one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN).


Reporting from the page, Basuki Hadimuljono as the Minister of PUPR revealed that the PUPR Ministry is committed to accelerating the implementation of this toll road construction in 2024.





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