DPMPTSP Bandung City Records Investment Reaching Rp6 Trillion

The Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office (DPMPTSP) of Bandung City, West Java, recorded that investment realization in the Flower City reached Rp6 trillion at the end of the second quarter of 2024, or 82.32 percent of the annual target set at Rp7.3 trillion.

“This amount was achieved quite significantly thanks to the efforts of friends from DPMTSP Bandung City who continue to make efforts to achieve investment realization of up to Rp6 trillion by the end of the second quarter of this year,” said Head of DPMPTSP Bandung City Ronny Ahmad Nurudin in Bandung, Wednesday (21/8/2024).


1. Transportation and warehousing dominate

Ronny said the Rp6 trillion investment was dominated by the transportation, warehousing, and telecommunications sectors, which accounted for Rp2.9 trillion.


“Bandung is a service city, so the transportation sector, telecommunications warehouses still dominate. The second is other services, the third is the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, then hotels and restaurants, the last is the housing sector, industrial estates and offices,” he said.


He revealed that until the end of the second quarter of this year, the realization of domestic investment (PMDN) dominated investment in Bandung City by contributing Rp4.1 trillion, while the category of foreign investment (PMA) reached Rp1.9 trillion.


“Most foreign investors have operational business activities so that the additional investment is not too significant,” he said.


2. Ease of investment continues to be improved

Ronny said there are several factors that make foreign and domestic investors interested in investing in Bandung, one of which is the ease of service provided by DPMPTSP for potential investors.


“We also provide OSS assistance services, Sakedap (Facility Anjungan Kemudahan Perizinan) services in sub-districts and market industry centers for micro businesses,” Ronny said.


3.Confident that the year-end target will be met

Furthermore, he said that with the achievement of investment realization at the end of the second quarter of 2024 which had reached 82.32 percent, his party was optimistic that investment in Bandung City could exceed the predetermined target.


“We are very optimistic, even though we also get additional targets from the province, but hopefully we will continue to work together with business people in Bandung,” he said.



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