Collaboration between West Java BUMN and BUMD Encourages Optimization of Hazardous Waste Incinerators in West Java

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNG – West Java BUMD PT Jasa Medivest, which has been active for more than 18 years as a medical Hazardous and Toxic Material (B3) waste management company in West Java, is intensively innovating.


One of the important initiatives is the optimization of the first incinerator machine, which aims to increase waste processing capacity to reach the latest standards, without ignoring the regulations in force in Indonesia.


This optimization will start in 2023, with approval from the shareholders of PT Jasa Medivest and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). One important step is the installation of pre-treatment equipment in the form of a mixing tank, which is the main requirement to meet the engineering standards being sought.


A number of tests have been carried out, including trial burning tests and commissioning tests carried out by certified laboratories from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Currently, PT Jasa Medivest is just waiting for the issuance of an Operational Feasibility Letter from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to immediately start processing industrial B3 waste in West Java.


"Initially, PT Jasa Medivest was only able to process 14 waste codes. Remembering that if you only focus on processing B3 medical waste, business saturation will occur. "So, by optimizing the second incinerator machine at the Dawuan plant, we will be able to process B3 medical and B3 industrial waste with a total of 55 waste codes, of course there are waste proportion standards that need to be met," said Beni Cahyadi, Director of PT Jasa Medivest, in an official release Monday. (30/9/2024).


PT Jasa Medivest's business opportunities will be optimal if accompanied by investment funding support for these optimization needs. After collaborating with strategic partners, PT Jasa Medivest succeeded in obtaining funding support from BRI through investment credit facilitation.


“We see potential for strategic business development. "PT Jasa Medivest has proven its professional commitment for dozens of years, and the huge opportunity for proper management of B3 waste in Indonesia is certainly the rationale for BRI to support financing in the form of investment credit," said Dhinar Adi Nugroho, Branch Manager of BRI (Persero) Tbk Kiaracondong.


The signing of the investment credit agreement took place on Thursday, September 12 2024. Present on this occasion were Beni Cahyadi as Director of PT Jasa Medivest, Dhinar Adi Nugroho from BRI, and Dr. Ranti Fauza Mayana, S.H. as a notary.


Responding to the challenges of future business growth, this synergy between BUMN and BUMD is one of the implementations of the 3C spirit (Comply, Competitive, Care), which is an important basis for PT Jasa Medivest as a subsidiary of West Java BUMD to achieve its goals.


After the second incinerator is able to process industrial B3 waste, PT Jasa Medivest plans to continue business development by submitting technical approval regarding the optimization of the first incinerator to the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry.


"We will adapt the technology, so that we can manage up to 200 B3 waste codes, and the total capacity of the two incinerator machines will increase from 24 tonnes per day to 30 tonnes per day," continued Beni Cahyadi.


Through commitment and technological innovation in managing medical and industrial B3 waste, PT Jasa Medivest strives to ensure sustainable productivity.


"So that it is optimal to achieve wider market coverage, present as a B3 waste management solution, and of course develop economic useful value as a West Java BUMD entity," he concluded.



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