Cirebon Regency recorded investment reaching IDR 1.9 trillion

Kabupaten Cirebon (ANTARA) - The Cirebon Regency Government, West Java, recorded investment achievements reaching IDR 1.9 trillion in the second quarter of 2024 or 58.90 percent of the target set at IDR 3.2 trillion throughout 2024.


"The number of investment realizations in Cirebon Regency could approach or exceed the targets set this year," said Head of the Cirebon Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) Dede Sudiono in Cirebon, Monday.


He explained that based on the realization data, investment activities in Cirebon Regency are still dominated by domestic investors (PMDN) and the rest are foreign investors (PMA).


Until the second quarter of 2024, said Dede, the leather goods and footwear industry sector was the largest contributor with investment realization of IDR 161.47 billion. This was followed by the food industry which recorded an investment of IDR 161.18 billion.


Apart from that, he said that investment in housing, industrial areas and offices was also recorded as quite large, reaching IDR 140.45 billion.


"The trade and repair sector also made a significant contribution with an investment of IDR 84.82 billion, followed by the transportation, warehouse and telecommunications sectors which recorded realization of IDR 82.37 billion," he said.


Dede said that other service sectors recorded investment of IDR 81.27 billion, while the rubber and plastic industry sector reached IDR 81.58 billion.


He explained that several other sectors also recorded important contributions to investment activities in Cirebon Regency, such as the construction sector with an investment of IDR 33.93 billion, the textile industry of IDR 26.38 billion, and the metal, machinery and electronics industry of IDR 8.27 billion.


"Meanwhile, the motor vehicle and other means of transportation industry sector recorded investment realization of IDR 19.83 billion. "The wood industry, chemical and pharmaceutical industries also recorded growth with investment values ​​of IDR 3.19 billion and IDR 719.5 million respectively," he said.


Dede said that with the total investment value spread across various sectors, it could encourage economic growth in Cirebon Regency and open up employment opportunities for the community.


So far, DPMPTSP has recorded data on the realization of absorption of domestic workers from investment activities in Cirebon Regency as many as 6,496 people and only 18 foreign workers.


"The comparison of domestic and foreign labor absorption in Cirebon Regency is around 225.55 percent," he said.


Furthermore, he said that the Cirebon Regency Government continues to strive to achieve the investment target until the end of 2024 by implementing a number of policies that make the investment process easier. For example, by implementing an integrated licensing system.


With this integrated licensing system, he added, investors can invest capital in various potential sectors in Cirebon Regency.


According to Dede, the licensing process in Cirebon Regency can now be done digitally, which makes it easier for investors to take care of administrative requirements.


“Licensing can now be done digitally. "So it makes it easier for investors to invest their capital," he said.


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