Banjar City Government Recorded Investment Value for the First Semester of 2024 Reached Rp68 Billion.
The Banjar City Government, through the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office (DPMPTSP), reported that investment realization for the first semester of 2024 has reached Rp68 billion.
Head of DPMPTSP Kota Banjar, Mamat Rahmat, through Dewi Ambarwati from the Investment sector, revealed that the figure is based on data from the Investment Activity Report (LKPM) on the Online Single Submission (OSS) system.
“During the first semester, investment realization reached Rp68 billion, which came from labor-intensive and capital-intensive investments mainly in the trade and services sectors,” Dewi explained on Wednesday (14/8/2024).
Dewi detailed that of the total investment realization, the first quarter contributed Rp3,931,500,119, while the second quarter reached Rp64,733,833,119, bringing the total to Rp68,655,333,541.
This figure is equivalent to 13.73 percent of the Banjar City Regional Development Plan (RPD) target for 2024, which is Rp500 billion.
“This achievement has exceeded the West Java Province DPMPTSP target of Rp110 billion, showing a very good achievement,” he added.
This investment realization also had a positive impact on employment. In the second quarter of 2023, employment reached 748 people. While in the second semester of 2024 it increased to 989 people, or an increase of 32.22 percent.
The sectors that dominate investment in Kota Banjar include trade, repair, wood industry, services, hotels, restaurants, and textiles.
This investment involves both domestic investment (PMDN) and foreign investment (PMA), although the contribution of PMA is relatively small.
In addition, the number of micro and small businesses registering a Business Identification Number (NIB) has also increased significantly. As of June 2024, there were 6,637 business actors who had obtained NIBs through the OSS system.
“Although online LKPM preparation is not required for micro businesses, we still urge them to apply,” said Dewi.
Dewi also mentioned that the business sector that received the most NIBs was the cracker, peyek, and similar industries.
“This shows that investment and compliance with licensing are growing in Kota Banjar,” she concluded.
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