A series of New Toll Road Projects that will be Carried Out in the Prabowo Era

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has targeted 34 PUPR projects to be implemented through the Government Cooperation with Business Entities (KPBU) scheme by 2025.


Of this total, at least 10 toll road and bridge projects are included in the plan. Of the 10 toll road projects, three have entered the transaction stage with an investment value of IDR 91.99 trillion.


The Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Ciamis (Getaci) toll road, which will be the longest toll road on the island of Java, will enter the transaction stage in 2025.


"For those in the transaction stage in 2025 in the road and bridge sector, there are 3 toll road projects with a length of 265.5 km with an investment value of IDR 91.99 trillion, namely the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Ciamis (Getaci) Toll Road, the Gilimanuk-Mengwi Toll Road, and the South Sentul-West Karawang Toll Road," said PUPR Director General of Infrastructure Financing Triono Junoasmono in a written statement, Monday (9/9/2024).


Furthermore, seven of them are still in the preparation stage with an investment value of IDR 124.02 trillion. Meanwhile, three toll road projects.


The Ciranjang-Padalarang Toll Road, Bandung Inner City Toll Road, Pejagan-Cilacap Toll Road are three of the seven that are already in the preparation stage.


Previously, Triono said that of the 34 projects that will be implemented through the Government Cooperation with Business Entities (KPBU) scheme in 2025, ten are toll road projects, 14 PPP projects are in the Water Resources (SDA) sector, seven are PPP projects in the residential sector, and three housing sector PPP projects.



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