2024 investment realization in Cianjur will reach 100.75 percent

Cianjur (ANTARA) - The One Stop Integrated Services and Investment Service (DPMPTSP) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, recorded that investment realization from January to November 2024 reached IDR 1,833 billion or 100.75 percent of the target of IDR 1,820 billion.


Secretary of DPMPTSP Cianjur Regency, Djoko Purnomo in Cianjur, Wednesday, said that based on the Investment Activity Report (LKPM) until November 2024, the realization of Domestic Investment was IDR 1,584 billion while Foreign Investment (PMA) was IDR 249 billion.


"The achievement of investment realization from January to November 2024 cannot be separated from the high level of public and investor confidence in investing capital in Cianjur," he said.


This includes cooperation between agencies in boosting investment figures and is supported by the Cianjur Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2024 so that we can be more certain regarding future investment certainty.


In fact, to attract investors to invest in Cianjur, including foreign ones, he said, the Cianjur Regency Government provides various programs, one of which is a Regional Regulation (Perda) concerning Incentives for Business Actors.


"We already have an Incentive Regional Regulation that makes it easier for investors to invest in Cianjur, in addition to the Regional Spatial Planning Plan (RTRW) which can make it easier for investors to develop their investments," said Djoko.


He explained that since 2023, the Cianjur Regency Government will open opportunities for investors to invest capital in various fields with the guarantee of easy licensing, including opening new businesses in a number of mainstay tourist attractions in the southern region. "Cianjur is the second largest area in West Java, has various investment potentials ranging from tourism, hotels, accommodation, cafes and shopping centers, which have continued to increase in number over the last few years," he said.


The Cianjur region is rich with various potentials that can invite investors to invest their capital in Cianjur, such as the Cianjur beach tourist area which is currently visited by many tourists from various regions but still lacks supporting facilities and infrastructure.


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