1st Semester 2023, Investment in West Java Reaches IDR 103.6 T
Bandung -
West Java is a favorite for investors to develop their businesses. This can be seen from the achievements of West Java which has become the most efficient or highest investment destination in Indonesia for 5 consecutive years.
In 2022, the investment value in West Java even reached IDR 175 trillion. Meanwhile, this year, the amount of investment coming in in the first semester of 2023 has reached IDR 103.6 trillion.
"The investment achievement in West Java has reached 55% of the Provincial Government's target of IDR 188 trillion. As for the first semester of 2023, the investment value in West Java has reached IDR 103.6 trillion," said Head of West Java DPMPTSP Nining Yulistiani in an economic discussion in Bandung, Wednesday ( 2/8/2023).
Nining said that the high interest of investors in saving their funds in developing business was because West Java had adequate supporting infrastructure and human resources. In fact, according to him, the wages of workers in West Java are already high.
"HR in West Java is high in terms of productivity. So when compared with other regions where wages are lower, investors still prefer to invest here," he said.
"The Governor is offering investment door to door. Apart from that, in West Java there are the most toll road routes, then supported by accessibility which has quite high stability, basic infrastructure for providing energy, raw materials and water, West Java is also one of the locations with the most choices," he continued explaining.
To support this, the West Java Provincial Government will also hold the West Java Investment Summit 2023 with the aim of offering the potential of West Java to investors, both domestic and foreign.
"The agenda we focus on is planning projects for both the Regional Government (Pemda) and the private sector. There they present material to investors," he said.
In the same place, academic from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Padjadjaran University (Unpad) Bayu Kharisma said that regions outside Java are starting to show enthusiasm to attract investors.
Based on data from the Ministry of Investment, investment realization outside Java in the first quarter of 2023 contributed more than Java, namely 52.6 percent with a value of IDR 172.9 trillion.
The high contribution from outside Java to the total realization of PMA and PMDN in the first quarter shows that the government remains consistent in running the Indonesian-centric economy.
"In total, West Java is the champion, but for PMA investment, Central Sulawesi is the highest," he said.
Based on location, the five provinces with the largest FDI realization in the first quarter of 2023 were Central Sulawesi amounting to IDR 28.8 trillion. West Java is in second place with investment absorption of IDR 28.1 trillion, followed by DKI Jakarta, Banten and Riau.
"West Java investment is dominated by investors from Japan with an investment value of IDR 8.37 trillion for 1,757 projects, followed by China with an investment value of IDR 3.96 trillion for 306 projects," concluded Bayu.
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