123,317 People Have Utilized Bandung City MPP Facilities

Bandung City (ANTARA) - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) revealed that 123,317 people have utilized the Public Service Mall (MPP) facilities with various destination agencies.


Head of the Bandung City Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office (DPMPTSP) Ronny Ahmad Nurudin said that since it was inaugurated in August 2022, public interest in getting services at the MPP has been quite good.


“Regarding services to the community, the Community Satisfaction Index for MPP Bandung City is at 93.89 as of June 2024,” Ronny said in Bandung on Monday.


Ronny said that the implementation of MPP has been running smoothly and there are no obstacles with an average visit of 300 people per day.


“The presence of this MPP, we hope that the community can be very well served. At a very young age, we are sure that Bandung City provides optimal services,” he said.


Even for 2024, he said, his party was asked by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) to make the Bandung City MPP an inclusive MPP pilot project in Indonesia, in collaboration with institutions in Australia.


Furthermore, he said that his party continues to strive so that the Bandung MPP can bring innovation and convenience for the community to get the various services needed.


“The collaboration of all existing agencies is needed in order to realize maximum public services,” said Ronny.


In addition, he said that the existence of MPP also increased investment realization in the city by providing a number of facilities for granting business licenses for investors, one of which is through the Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA) or risk-based licensing.


“From the innovations that we build, it aims to simplify and provide certainty on the speed of time and so on for issuing business licenses,” he said.



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